Is it not comparable with oxide and friends?
Is it not comparable with oxide and friends?
But you are 20 versions each with breaking changes behind…
what a trash site and take. This isnt worth the bytes it’s taking up.
If it’s happened on multiple distros the problem is likely in the commands you are entering / instructions you are following. The top comment on this post has the right install commands, follow that or do some googling for how to install postgresql on Ubuntu. I’d imagine digital ocean or someone else has made a good detailed guide that will help you.
Sometimes it’s just a matter of finding the right, up to date instructions for how to do the thing
Otherwise, in the future posting the full error you are getting and the full commands you are running will help us debug your specific situation in a more concrete way. With the little information we have we can only guess at the issue and point you towards the right way to install Postgres.
Why are us troops in Syria? Maybe we wouldn’t get attacked if we weren’t in half the countries of the world
Yeah but spending months of your life working on something for it to never be seen by people really sucks. Even if you get paid. You make a thing, you are proud of the thing and then the thing gets put in a box and no one else ever gets to enjoy that thing. Capitalism sucks
Our processes are bad, much better to harm the occasional patient. Thank god you’re not my nurse
Probably could have housed, fed, and employed those same migrants for that amount
I wonder why they didn’t add usb-c
I mean you just repeated the same acronym over and over and assume everyone knows what you’re talking about. The person trying to help you obviously doesn’t know what an ERD is and is asking for you to clarify.
You could easily describe what an entity relationship diagram is, or just not use an acronym for something in a general context. Instead you went for combative and condescending
No, in my experience velocity always goes down and to the right while burn down goes up and to the right
Judging by the code they posted to copy GitHub comments to lemmy I think it’s pretty safe to say no.
DHH is a driver for JOTA in LMP2, he was originally a gentleman driver in pro-am like your typical rich tech guy
Typical DHH bullshit. He likes to be contrarian but he never actually follows through.
He’s a little bitch and both Ruby on Rails and the world endurance championship would be better off without him.
Unscheduled unguided tour of the capital
It is that simple. Make the dns entry point to your vpn subnet 10.10.100.X. The way it works is anyone not on your vpn won’t be able to resolve the ip address and will get an error. Anyone on the vpn will be able to resolve the ip address and connect via the vpn connection.
The part people are talking about that is likely confusing you is that if your service is already available via your actual ip address then you have a security concern since anyone can access even without your domain name pointing there. They are encouraging you to make sure your network doesn’t allow access but updating your firewall settings to make sure it blocks connections that are not made via your vpn subnet of 10.10.100.X
I think you might have meant “ski resort” instead of “sky resort” although I think I’d like a sky resort way more than a ski resort
You fall a lot snowboarding, it’s more about not breaking your phone than whether or not you want to listen to music or have a need for it. There is risk to taking it and risk to not taking it