The article says it was “fat and lean mass” not water weight. And while the “lean mass” (which I guess could be water) retuned after eating again, the “fat mass” did not.
The article says it was “fat and lean mass” not water weight. And while the “lean mass” (which I guess could be water) retuned after eating again, the “fat mass” did not.
The volunteers lost an average of 5.7 kg of both fat mass and lean mass. After three days of eating after fasting, the weight stayed off – the loss of lean was almost completely reversed, but the fat mass stayed off.
Funny that they ruined a man’s life?
They feel out of control because they ARE being exploited by systems that are designed to obscure the fact. They don’t understand how anything works, because those systems have replaced their education with propaganda.
Sweet potato starch that Koreans have used forever to make noodles.
That’s so clearly written by AI that I find it hard to believe any of it’s true.
Sure as hell not flattening the block.
The idea that there’s ever been any debate about whether this is genocide is sickening.
What makes this newsworthy?
What’s the news angle, here? It’s a tragedy, sure, but does the fact that someone died make it news?
cries in public service worker
Two friends of the men who spoke with Inside Edition
Commas exist for a reason…
No, that’s what I’m saying. Those turning 60 this year are not Boomers. They are the generation that came between Boomers and GenX. Yeah, even this Wikipedia article lumps them in with Boomers, but they weren’t considered Boomers as they were coming of age: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_Jones They shouldn’t be now, either. Ask any of them if they consider themselves Boomers.
“Decided.” I wonder how much deliberating they actually had to do, or if they immediately just turned around and said fuck that shit.
Look, there was a generation between Boomers and Gen X and the fact that they’re now just lumped in together is ridiculous. They’re called Boomers because they were born during the baby boom immediately following WWII. That boom did not last 20 years. Actual Boomers have been retired for a decade.
Some were already paid through the end of January. Some section 8 is still paying on their behalf.
Sure sounds like it. All that’s missing is the photo-op under a “mission accomplished” banner.
“We all know who Donald Trump is. The question is: Who are we?”
I posted the following elsewhere, just before I read that he said this, as I was thinking about a quote I heard earlier from DL Hughley regarding Trump’s election:
“America saw exactly who it was last night… Exactly who we are,” Hughley said. “I think Obama was what we aspire to be, Trump and his supporters are who we are.”
The Democrats’ problem is that they don’t address who we are. They offer only aspirations. Who are we (beyond the racists and fascists Trump and his supporters represent)? Broke. Sick. Overworked. Exploited. Isolated. Scared. He wants us to vote based on hope that we can push back fascism. Hope that we can win our rights back. He wants us to vote based on some dream of democracy I can’t say I’ve ever witnessed in my lifetime. Give me someone to vote for who’s going to meet us where we are.
Oh. I thought jokes were supposed to be funny.
Jesus Christ, I should drop any minute now.