Yo dude’s so compressed, his checksum is 1! laugh track
Yo dude’s so compressed, his checksum is 1! laugh track
Of course. Everyone who’s ever used a DB knows it’s BS. As long as the data is structured - which it a) is because he was able to make assertions about it and b) fucking Excel files are enough - it CAN be imported and SQL’d on. Even Excel has built in support for fuck’s sake, not to mention Python and PowerQuery.
The dude is a self-certified moron - he probably struggles with the concept of PKI, too.
Single letters or UTF8 symbols only. Emojis are encouraged.
Ah yes, good old TS3 and Mumble times.
This needs to be rock-solid for our users!
- no developer ever.
It’s not the same, though. One will stop if a previous command fails, the other will continue.
“Pointers” twitch
One spaghetti code, please.
That never stopped anyone. Prequels, multiverses, crazy unbelievable hat trick escapes…
It’s a contradiction in itself. Just like a voluntarily ended movie franchise.
As long as it can be milked it will be milked. They’d never end a franchise voluntarily.
Franchise? Ended? That’s an oxymoron.
Persistence of vision and deliberate frame rates interpolate, too, and AI interpolation fucked it up. If you were to do the same thing to music, you’d take two points of the wave and interpolate linearly - which will definitely break the wave. All for the sake of “more information”.
Like you say, it’s already working fine. I’m asking them not to put AI anywhere near it, please.
Don’t. Don’t give them ideas. TruMotion like frame interpolation is fucked up enough.
You can do anything at bingo.cum
I don’t think it’s most people. I (choose to) believe that’s a loud minority.
Yes, that’s what I’m challenging. Who do people think they are to think their subjective opinion is objective truth?
It usually goes hand in hand with not justifying themselves because “everyone agrees it’s unacceptable”.
I guess. The way it’s formulated purposefully removes them from the statement, though.
Not even angery, just disappoint.