Most of the sunlight doesnt even hit Earth
Could you imagine how much more energy we could produce if we used all the empty space in space?
Most of the sunlight doesnt even hit Earth
Could you imagine how much more energy we could produce if we used all the empty space in space?
Technically, if you built enough solar panels in space, they would completely block the sun and massively decrease global temperature
There are still blacksmiths and portrait artists
Thats just HolyC before it became holy
The decline started much earlier than the increase of salary
It couldnt be connected even if there was no other reason
Minecraft has subliminal woke propaganda (there are splashes that appear on the title screen, some of them being pro-LGBTQ+)
There is also a really huge proportion of Minecraft modders that are trans which may be because of the woke subliminal messaging
Saving music to a external memory thing also losses quality because it has to be copied twice
To keep the highest quality of the music, you need to listen to it on the device it was created
I have seen scam posts
They seem more credible if its by an account with a lot of karma(meaning that they made good comments/posts)
They also downvote any comment talking about the fact that its a scam
I remember seeing bots that downvote comments on scam posts, bots that copy comments from one post to a reposted post(probably by another bot) and, by far the most common, bots that repost popular posts
Homophobia is illegal in Romania
That doesnt stop every single person i know that isnt from the capital be openly homophobic
I can guarantee that every single person alive will use friendica before then end of the universe
100% of the open-source software i contributed to was developed by hobbyists so, using that information, you can infer from only that information that only hobbyists can develop open-source software
I have heard that friendica is similar to facebook
Microsoft servers also use linux
The arguments against voting in the USA sound similar to the trolley problem
Some people wouldnt choose to be the reason of the death of one person even if doing nothing causes the death of multiple people
Peertube exists
But wouldnt that reply to the “this” comment and this subtopic discourage people from writing “this”, making a subtopic like this rarer, but also reducing the total number of new useless comments?
I would argue that explaining why people dont like the usage of “this” is more useful than people writing “this”
Even if every single person in the world had a unique gender, you could store that in 33 bits
You can store that in a small QR code