Depends how close i am to them. If it’s a passive acquaintance I’m like, happy for them but in a fleeting sort of way?
Was thinking the same thing… now, searching through all my SQL scripts for the past year to find the same logic I want to replicate in another script, well that’s different.
It’s the same reason people thought Stephen Colbert was a champion of conservatism until he moved to the tonight show.
We steam vacuum the carpets… wouldn’t that help for that?
I walk around barefoot in the house. Thr moment I get home I take of my shoes, and when I’m comfortable somewhere I’ll then take off my socks. If I need to go outside to take out the trash or something I’ll use flip flops and if I need it go somewhere in the car I’ll put socks and shoes back on but the shoes never leave the foyer.
Like… there’s such a thing as comments my dude.
Just… In general musicals never seem to advertise as musicals. I had no idea the new Mean Girls was a musical after watching the trailer, and only found out through word of mouth. The new Wonka was also a musical, I thought it would be cause the previous two were, but you never know. Trailer didn’t seem to indicate. I just saw one the other day that looked like it was a musical cause it showed a lot of dance ensemble, which these trailers really should do. EDIT: IF. Thr new Ryan Reynolds movie about imaginary friends… is it a musical? A lot of ensemble dancing in the trailer but I don’t see anything indicating it’s a musical. Why can’t musicals just be up front with this?
All those ‘I did this’ stickers are really paying off now.
Disney makes games off of all their properties, and .ore often Tham not they’re pretty good.
Solar batteries? Either that or they hook it up to a charger when they’re in town.
How the f do these people get off saying straight people are oppressed. Besides being the vast majority, without straight people our species would die… like, who is that dumb to believe this horseshit?
Good way to figure out how an unknown code base works is to add unit tests tho
Like, hidden object games? Alawar and Artifex Mundi still crank several of them out each year I think. They’ve gone from only having hidden object scenes to being point and click adventure games with hidden object scenes. For thr most part pure hidden object games have all but vanished.
edit: you might like hidden folks, hidden through time, and looking for aliens. I think it’s all the same company but they are true hidden object games with large areas to search.
That be Binding of Isaac for me. I have 1000 games installed so it’s even harder to get lost.
Not OP, but boomers, you never refer to them as their first name, it’s always Mr. or mrs. Last name. Genx started the trope of 'Don’t call me Mr. X, Mr. X was my father. Genx started the trend of calling everyone by their given name that stuck with millenials and gen z.