Specifically sponge cake? Like seriously?
Specifically sponge cake? Like seriously?
I was totally reading this title thinking it was extending the shelf life of all foods generally and stuff, then they drop “Sponge Cake” in there instead. 🤣
Probably not this, but your description reminded me of it. Lol
Yeah, the ISP cartels sucks. I’ve been stuck paying $170/mo for uncapped 1000/35mbps connection.
Thankfully, before the end of the year, a local ISP is moving into my area. They offer uncapped symmetrical gigabit, for $75/mo… I’ll be saving $95/mo for BETTER service.
The longstanding ISP cartels should seriously be punished for the abuse of their market positions and failure to appropriately use government funding they’ve been given.
He could not be federally pardoned, no. The State of Georgia can also pardon individuals of state crimes, but this requires the applicant has paid all fines amongst other requirements like being a law abusing citizen for over five years after serving their sentence. The governor cannot pardon.
I feel you, man. 🍻
Well, good. Hope things are smooth sailing from here!
I know I’m an outlier here, but I really enjoyed the movie. The CGI wasn’t perfect, but I don’t care. There’s so much CGI in the movie, some was bound to be shite. It’s WB after all, what haven’t they fucked up in recent years? I think the bigger problem is the association with Ezra Miller and this version of Flash being pretty childish and weird.
But I love a good Flashpoint story, and I’m excited about Gunn’s DC.
81 BILLION dollars is a lot of motherfucking money.
Well, kind of. Nolan does shoot on film, including all of Oppenheimer, but they almost definitely brought it into some digital format for editing before pressing it back onto film in this case.
The $160 is a lifetime pass… I pay $20/mo for Netflix. That’s $240/year. So, if you think it’s worth it for even one year, compared to something like Netflix, then it’s a pretty solid value proposition.
I bought the lifetime pass in 2014 when it was $75. Been more than happy with that decision.
Doing God’s work over there.