Thanks :3
… I’ve been secretly thinking of changing both >:P
Meep :3
She/They, also transer than a box of transistors! wiggles transly
Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp
Thanks :3
… I’ve been secretly thinking of changing both >:P
I just like them <.< particularly the cheesy ones, and pork (both Maruchan; there are not many options in general for me… though sometimes Yakisoba is available, which is nice). Dunno if there’s any actual meat in there. Could just be salt with salt flavouring in salt sauce. I don’t add any salt.
Thanks for the link. Seems like the place could be easier to find :-\
I don’t even see the bot from here. Bleeeeeh maybe I just need to give up and jump ship to a Lemmy instance 😅 Is not your fault, of course.
I don’t think I’d encountered any such commagazines (why’d they have to be named both?!) and that’s why I was excited to learn about the one you mentioned. I’ve already started peeking around in there and finding some interesting tidbits :3
Interesting commagazine! … I don’t seem to be able to get to it through kbin :( Am already digging around in there, though, so thanks for the tip :3
Some fun stack-based concatenative language (like Forth or Min) :3 I like playing with odd/new-to-me things that change how I have to approach things in some way. … Also I wanna find a Forth community I can stand 😅 That or maybe a similar low-level language, I suppose. I was thinking of using it for a project but… eegh. Bleh. Et cetera. Still might, but purely on my own terms I guess.
Also, more Haskell please >:3 Or something else like it. We must spread the glory of FP nerdery @.@ …And maybe get some more useful (and maintained) packages to work with instead of just kinda having to wonder what even builds any more v.v
Hrrrgghhh routers! The last two I’ve dealt with were a Netgear and an ASUS and… well, at least the ASUS got out of my way relatively quickly? SSH’d in and crammed it full of OpenWRT 😅Did the same to the Netgear but that one fought so hard to force me into using some admin-through-their-website kind of horsecrap that I hate. All’ the docs I wanted/needed were lies, BS, broken links, contradictory… it was a proper mess. I don’t want a singing, dancing bird-robot tweeting all night (to some corp’s servers), just gimme a damn router that’s mine!
… I may be a little bit old-headed about some tech things <.< I guess things are moving on to “your own hardware as a service” now :-\
Whew, here I was thinking it might be cool to try to contribute to some project, maybe even Linux! This thread shall serve as my reminder to never do that because that’s for god-tier emotionless techbros only.
[Sarcasm] Remember, being a dick to people is the only way to ensure that you’re caring about the code enough!
After more than thirty hours and hours of discussions with a friend who knows Pathfinder and stuff, I’ve finally beaten the first boss of Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous!
My character finally created, I got through the intro cutscene thingle, threw a dart, saved, and am in bed waiting to become asleep 🤣
(The joke is that the character creation is so interesting, involved, and/or difficult that it counts as a boss fight just choosing a character class to start with 😅 Also yes it did actually according to Steam take me nearly forty hours to defeat said boss 😅)
“It won’t go lower than $5!”
“Uuugghhh, fine, give them five.”
“Alright, we’re on the supporters list”
“Great, issue a press release telling everyone how great we are for giving back.”
They’re enforcing for the people who make the real rules, who get to define “crime.” Doesn’t matter if they bend a few (and show people they’re helpless against the state and its monopoly on violence!) as long as they don’t harm the system itself.
It 100% is a state-sponsored street gang, just holding, bullying, and taking from ‘their’ territory as they please. wanders off grumbling something about taxis or something
I was gonna demand that gender be abolished because of how many people it keeps killing (because of the “gender” reveals, getit? Har har…) but sometimes I do feel like plane crash is pretty me, you know?
DDD? Dunno if that’s to your taste, nor what state it’s in lately but… maybe it qualifies? :3
[Joke] Right, that’s the map. It’s a standard political map, just there aren’t any lines because it’s all China.
Bragging <.< Trying to make us all jelly.
Or jam, or marmite, or whatever bread-spread-stuff.
[Sarcasm] Fuckin’ poors wanting to know the news! You tell 'em!
[Weird, sarcastic joke] Uniform? But what about the fire department?! Oh wait, they don’t carry guns for some reason. Woah, does that mean they don’t just show up and gun people down? That’s a neat idea, I like that. Maybe more uniformed services should be like that.
[Song reference] But still, fuck the fire department. Dropping by unannounced just to fry your apartment…
I came here hoping somecritter had asked what “OOO” is. Nocritter has, so I’ve decided that it must mean “Object-Oriented Overtime.”
(Okay, I looked it up and it seems to be “out of office” but that’s not as funny)
still fundamentally need to sell
[Sarcasm] Unlike companies, which are apparently altruistic organizations that exist for the betterment of humanity! It’s all those fools who keep yelling “companies exist to make money” who are wrong. Yeah, that must be it. Tech companies charge because they’re good, whilst various writers give away some, much, most, or all of their work because they’re evil! Sharing is DEATH, kids!
Sorry, I went off a bit there because I’m frustrated at how committed you are to your bad ideas. Also textbooks also have to be sold, at least here in the US where many are (were?) tailored to the anti-education pro-horsecrap preferences of Texas.
Side thing: I’m becoming increasingly convinced that FaceDeer as an account/persona/whatever exists specifically to be mildly irritating. Is that true? Would you admit it if it were?
Hey now…!
Just kidding ;P Real monarchs can piss off.