This is actually quite good news!
Hear me out though.
Encryption has been under attack by government instances for a while now.
They always aim to weaken / backdoor it,
so that they can spy on all their citizens.
China abused the backdoor implemented by the US government,
which sends a message across the world,
being: “Do not backdoor encryption to spy on your citizens, or other countries might abuse it”
Hopefully this will put a stop to governments attacking encryption, at least for a while,
since now they’re reminded of the risks which it brings! :)
Yes we need them to survive,
yes they’re better than Google.
But no we’re not being too negative/hard on them!
Lately Mozilla has been pulling a lot of anti-consumer yet pro shareholder shit.
AI is a perfect example of that,
unwanted by the majority of their community, yet still forced upon us by shareholders, for now through an optional addon, which appears to be a foot in the door, which can quickly grow into a baked in addon which ships with FireFox by default.
Yet in the Lemmy comments about the poll,
again you can see that the general consensus is no:
They blatantly ignore their community,
and for that we’re allowed to be angry with them.