Let’s gamble, try merging
Let’s gamble, try merging
(yes I wash them)
I had assumed as much, but you explicitly saying so just makes me doubt it.
Call me a cynic, but this also greatly reduces the bargaining power of the voice actor. If he’s not THE voice or Mario, it’s far easier to replace him than it was with Martinet.
I hope it’s not actual wild life. If it is: don’t bloody feed it.
Ehh… “He had one chance to do something great” almost makes it sound a bit positive. It wouldn’t have come close to making up for the complete shit stain he left on human history.
Good riddance indeed.
It doesn’t help, but there are a few factors that are more limiting right now. Labour shortage is one, as are nitrogen emissions. A lot of developers also find the current building costs too high.
There are plenty of plots that can be built on, with all of the paperwork good to go.
This feels a bit surreal. After all of the scandals over the past few years, I hadn’t expected this to be the breaking point. I think it’ll be good for the Netherlands to get a soft reboot of politics. Most of the country was very much fed up with Rutte.
Not sure where we’ll go from here. I hope GroenLinks and PvdA together can gather lots of support. If not…
I, for one, welcome our new BBB overlords.
Let’s Gamble, Try Merging!
This is so confusing that Nintendo might just go for it
On the other side of the spectrum, I really like Patrick H. Willem’s take on the best sequel ever: Mamma Mia 2.
Not the best movie that is also a sequel, but biggest improvement over the original.