4 billion years of fixing inorganic carbon in the biosphere. Sometimes mistakes O2 for CO2. Not as fast as some enzymes, but very abundant. Here, have some phosphoglycerates about it.
Trying to purge the military of those likely to defy him, like Hegseth saying women shouldn’t serve.
o7 Thank you!
Ahhh, thank you.
Unfortunately, Sci-Hub doesn’t have the requested document:
Rats! Anybody got a pdf?
The on-the-fly meme-making by the Trekkies is positively inspiring.
Sabo said he was motivated to post the signs because of reports that a Venezuelan gang forced the closure of an apartment complex in Aurora. The City of Aurora and Aurora Police have said the closure was not due to gang activity but rather years of neglect by a landlord now facing charges for neglect of the property.
So not only is he fond of bolting hate lies to city infrastructure, he also claims to be motivated by hate lies from some stupid conspiracy theory. Garbage in, garbage out.
I want to know if he has any connections to the neglectful landlord.
Also, can we focus on that landlord for a moment? Invented a story to blame immigrants because the lack of maintenance needed a cover-up.
Give that property to the tenants; they would take better care of it.
Sure, right after Emily crushes you with one of your own vehicles.
And the Holodomor
Survival was a moral as well as a physical struggle. A woman doctor wrote to a friend in June 1933 that she had not yet become a cannibal, but was “not sure that I shall not be one by the time my letter reaches you.” The good people died first. Those who refused to steal or to prostitute themselves died. Those who gave food to others died. Those who refused to eat corpses died. Those who refused to kill their fellow man died. Parents who resisted cannibalism died before their children did…
Taking notes during lecture helped. Not only does it help cement the information in your mind, it is practice writing legibly enough it can be studied later. You could practice this now, before school starts, by watching something like Khan Academy.
If your major sends you to the whiteboard often, that will help a lot, too. You will naturally improve as you do it out of necessity. Practice on the board until you can write a straight line of consistent text that doesn’t droop or curve down as it goes along.
I second the suggestion for calligraphy in a script you like.
Perhaps practice by trying to quickly write down song lyrics as you listen? I think that’s when I first started to improve.
Pay attention to your classmates who can take good notes quickly. I made a friend who found my writing to be glacially slow, so I watched how they wrote to learn some tricks.
Sorry if some of these won’t help until you’re in, but don’t worry about it too much. I’m sure your handwriting will be markedly improved by the end of even the first year.
Write letters or postcards to friends.
Try to fit your favorite quotes on a notecard.
This really needs to be rescheduled for the winter, and/or pilgrims encouraged to travel by night. But then the AC tents might not sell as well.
What if the shells were on something like a joystick, such that left-right could be one scale and up-down could be another?
Or maybe sliders in the grooves of the shell?
I love your project and hope it comes to fruition. Best of luck.
Didn’t the Jan 6 Select Committee already recommend the DoJ should pursue criminal charges against 45 for his role in the insurrection? Now SCOTUS wants Congress to decide again?
Help me understand this.
SCOTUS is saying states cannot determine who is and who is not insurrectionist enough to be off their ballots. Rather, it is Congress (the same Congress that acquitted a known insurrectionist) who is the sole judge of that.
Obvious answers seem to be corruption and regulatory capture. But I’m trying to make sure I’m reading their opinion correctly. Is it not essentially, “States conduct elections as they see fit. No, wait, not like that!”
“Howdy, XO,” he drawled. The old west affectation common to everyone from the Mariner Valley annoyed Holden. There hadn’t been a cowboy on Earth in a hundred years, and Mars didn’t have a blade of grass that wasn’t under a dome, or a horse that wasn’t in a zoo. Mariner Valley had been settled by East Indians, Chinese, and a small contingent of Texans. Apparently, the drawl was viral. They all had it now. “How’s the old warhorse today?”
James S.A. Corey, Leviathan Wakes
Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.
Terence McKenna