Man who clicks confirmation for leopards to delete his work is angry and surprised when his work is deleted.
Man who clicks confirmation for leopards to delete his work is angry and surprised when his work is deleted.
Right? How about this: I’ll keep the swearing to a minimum if you remove all the religious bobbles from your desk and stop talking about God. You don’t have a monopoly on being offended, and respect goes both ways.
I’m gonna go ahead and believe you this time, but I’ve been told size doesn’t matter a few times before…
That’s not just your country. That’s organized religion in every country.
They are allowed to execute you on the spot regardless of what you may or may not have on you. All they have to do is to say they were scared.
That’s a better time frame than I get from Comcast/Xfinity.
Cubed pyrite is one of my favorite examples of this.
America can’t afford significant drops in IQ scores. Half the population is already at the same level as the humans in the old Planet Of The Apes movie.
That sounds like a great money-making scheme for the FDA as the lobbyists for each of the food groups push for becoming the bottom of the pyramid.
It’s only common if you are expressing misogynistic viewpoints and cruising around places where those viewpoints are welcome. I spent years on reddit and only saw it where it was appropriately calling out the behavior.
I find this difficult to believe since I assume their dogma would be that a Palestinian organ in an Israeli body would be immediate disqualification for heaven. If tattoos are considered self-mutilation, a Hamas heart must be worse.
Please expand as I’m not sure what part of Vietnam you are referring to.
Those people are hoping for violence. They believe a war is coming, and that they are poised to win.
If you can’t share an image of Muhammad, how does anyone know what he looks like?
Stormy Daniels was a willing participant.
We’ll, as willing as one can be with that monstrosity in the room.
That is simply not a reasonable option for Orange Hitler.
Everything’s bigger in texas.
Why waste money on that when the executive board has greens fees to pay for?
All three of which are the more evil than the devil itself, according to the Republican party.
The brand can be a great identifier. If the response is “Apple”, I can’t help you. If the response is “HP” or “Dell” or “Walmart”, I know the issue is likely because of proprietary garbage that’s locked down “for the safety of the user”.
When speaking to the computer illiterate, the brand question will usually be answered with either “Apple” or “Windows”. You gotta get that answer out of the way so you don’t waste 15 minutes trying to get someone to right-click something only to find out they only have 1 mouse button.