They will claim: “He is always sleepy and slow, and SUDDENLY he is fast and upbeat? He must on some stimulants! We cannot have a President on stimulants!!”
They will claim: “He is always sleepy and slow, and SUDDENLY he is fast and upbeat? He must on some stimulants! We cannot have a President on stimulants!!”
I guess only in the sense that both parties are right wing? One is just extreme in that direction?
We need a new corona that targets christo-fascists…
Because of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unPVf0sqAKI and also: https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/tesla-batteries-range/ and also: https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2023/09/11/is-your-car-spying-on-you--almost-certainly--new-report-says
I can go on and on. I love the tech, I hate the companies. Plus: the build quality just does not seem to be existent in this space.
I agree, west Taiwan will eventually fall back into the hands of the people in Taiwan. And the country will be whole again.
This was a decision based on him not following the rules we all need to abide by. And when you do that, there are SUPPOSED to be consequences. In fact, USA is being WAY to lenient on him.
They where using words like “purchasing”, and asking just as much for the digital files as for the DVD’s. If they where even available.
So it makes sense people where seeing it as “owning”. And then looking puzzled when Sony decided to break into their own devices and delete files…
I have family that FINALLY see that DRM is a thing in their lives, and they DO NOT like it.
The heartbreaking part is that the point he is making lowers the impact because of who is saying it.
Hamas is a result of hoe Israël has been handling the issue for decades now.
I’m not saying Hamas is fine, great, innocent or anything. Far from it. But the blame is on both sides.
True, but him talking about it diminishes the impact of these words. Lowers the bar so to speak.
I think Netflix would simply see that as a nice extra benefit. But the main reason is to “stick it” to the writers/actors. Without incurring the wrath of customers for the price hike themselves, they will just point their finger…
They’ve made Linux gaming a thing. And there where no players there either. So I do not believe that is their actual reason.
The actual reason is that Valve does not want to be beholden or locked to a corporate entity like Apple or Microsoft. They would be very dependent on the whims of those companies.
Linux gives them a platform where they know and can influence it’s future.
Perhaps, and this is very cynical of me, they are thinking, how can we make folks feel bad against the writers and actors?
It’s the only reason for the price hike I think.
I would actually pay for Youtube Premium Family, where it not for the fact that it does not work with gsuite accounts (which I have for my family).
We have spotify for the family, and I would cancel that and switch to youtube and music premium of google. For three dollars more we get ad-less youtube as well as music.
Sorry google, gotta pay attention to these things.
I second that request, I need to know more and read more about all of this and all of the sides, before I know what I’m talking about.
Agreed, that would not be beneficial to anyone really. Basically a “shitty move”.
Seems like Republicans really did not leave them any other option though.
Also: the reporting of the New York Times has really nose-dived in quality the last few years.
Thinking about it more… It would have been an interesting tactic of the Dems to “cooperate” with some more level headed Republicans and sideline the Chaos Caucus from having anymore influence. It could have had major impact on the effectiveness of the house going forward.
As I understand it, they actually tried this. Sort of. But McCarthy was very ANTI-DEMS towards it. So they voted the way they did.
I see your point. It’s just kinda… Not true I think.
As I see it: They never wanted McCarthy anyway, he was too extreme for them from the beginning. They realized pretty soon that they would rather see him go then stay, since it would just be too difficult to get on board with his shenanigans. He was not being a Speaker of the House, the whole house, he was trying to be the lackey for the Republicans.
And using the shutdown as a way to pressure them was a republican thing. Not the Dems. The Dems just called their bluf. Which in the end… turned out to be just that.
In the end, republicans are doing this to themselves, they are (rather) quickly destroying the party from within. Fascinating to see.
I remember there used to be an idea floating around of paying pennies for sending email a few years ago. It would combat spam, since it would not be economically viable to send millions of emails. It failed; since it would kill email, no-one wanted to pay and lock access rights to a certain group of people.
Elon is claiming he wants this for combating bots and scraping. Whether true or not, he will realize soon enough though that people will not pay for it. (Perhaps even find out it’s not bots, but actual people downvoting him)
(At the same time, it’s a bad thing we do not want to pay for good journalism/info, it leads to free ad-riddled sites with shitty click-baity content. The good stuff is behind paywalls, and therefore not available to the general public. This leads to a breeding ground for conspiracy theories. Since those are available for free (they want the message out there) and the actual researched stuff is hidden behind those paywals)
“Democracy dies in broad daylight” ? No; Fascism is born in silence.