“white women swung their Gucci boot over the fence of oppression and stuck themselves at the front of the line”
“white women swung their Gucci boot over the fence of oppression and stuck themselves at the front of the line”
Mental illness
You repeated the same thing twice.
You would be surprised to know that some people today unironically believe that the germ theory is a hoax, and yes it’s the demographic you are suspecting.
Nobody is going to adopt an aggressive dog, unless the refuge lies about it, as so often they do.
The pitbull breed can still be saved, we just have to consistently kill those who show aggressive behavior.
Edit: all right pitbulls are not all bad,some of them are even brave, I heard a story of how one died, a kid was trapped in a burning house, the pitbull seeing that, bravely broke into the house, so it could maul a child one more time.
Don’t be a a bigot, one baby snack once in a while and pities are the most peaceful animals on earth, did I already told you that they are nanny dogs? Anyways just put a crown flower on them, the smell of flowers helps with the bloodlust.
People get absurdly angry when I bring out this fact, street cats are pests, and pest must be controlled.
Hence the worst civil liberties
It’s not going to crumble, the fact that you think voting for him will do that, means you have fallen for propaganda, it’s going to stay pretty much the same, but just with worse civil liberties, and an emboldened fascist religious crowd, which funny enough are more docile to the government.
Nope still bullshit here and not USA, you have problems with your bones and muscles? Go to a physiotherapist.
Go peddling your bullshit to your church friends
I would love to have kids, a couple, one girl one boy. But not in this fucked up system.
I know, but the funny thing is that this place is very traditional and religious… In paper.
It’s hard to change opinions when religion and lead have rotted your brain
I’m sure crime will not rise up when people have no food because they don’t have dollars, I’m sure people will not go out violently on the streets and raise hell, yes the policy may be be beneficial to those who have their on dollar reserve, but the rest? Save my comment, and hope that doesn’t happen.
A gently tap on his kidney and liver with an icepick when he is walking alone.
Thats how you create the next generation of conservatives and libertarians, by design?
Yes but evolution is natural, this rat race that pushes people to suicide it’s entirely fabricated.
Look at this armchair warrior, giving his enlightened opinion about how Israel or any nation is justified in bombing civilians, old, young, women.
Try having bombs dropped on your head for a conflict you don’t have a voice on. It’s always the privileged assholes who think like this.
We need first universal Healthcare, education and affordable housing, otherwise the money would go to the leeches(landlords,insurance, student debt).