Because the Nazis own them
Because the Nazis own them
The Great Choking is upon us and its not even making me blush.
I thought its common knowledge that the US Government are the most prominent liars and propagandists on the face of the Earth.
I dont but you should look up digital market laws in your area. In most places you cannot be charged for unrendered services or goods. This sounds illegal as fuck.
Generations of harm is the goal. Russia has officially won the Cold War.
Fuck thats some good shit. It will never cease to amaze me how every piece of pop culture they touch brings the creators out swinging.
It doesnt. This post is on All. Everyone is seeing it.
Its crazy how crude all of our tools look at this magnification.
I gotta say, living in a red state, it definitely most have gone hollow. I can see the madness in their eyes at work. Its generations of capitalistic abuse, sacrificing ourselves for the profit of the few. I think we have irreparable damage done to our culture’s zeitgeist.
Mousetrap was the shit until I lost the blue mouse and half the traps
Luckily there are people from all classes who 90% of the time are equally as beautiful as AJ. They just dont get professionally done up for photos and movies. You aren’t wrong, the world simply contains all of these things.
Leagues are a lie. Take the leap, you won’t die.
Mischief Makers
There is no line. They want to play God. They think they deserve it. They think they are doing everyone a favor. Its your own fault if you forget you are mortal. Its your own fault if you subjugate and oppress countless people. They carved this place out for themselves. No one made them do it. They know what seeds they plant.
Because main evolved advantageous uses for emotion. We cry, and no longer have to communicate with words that something is wrong. It is advantageous to us to be able to communicate with emotions in more than a vocal manner. Things make more sense when we consider the real reasons they came into being. “We” have probably had these emotions for far longer than we could be considered humans.
We know what to do now. May the bridges we burn light the way.
I think its fucken hilarious in the saddest way there has to be a ruling on this.
Check the RAM usage of each tab. My Firefox is constantly open at work, albeit with anywhere from 1-10 tabs, and it never gets slow. Only time I restart it is when Firefox updates.
Rylanor’s situation just seems similar to ours;
Bonus if your name is Luigi:
The guillotines are long overdue