It is physically addictive.
Schedule 1 is bullshit but schedule 4 is too lax… schedule 3 would be the best fit… also on the topic, benzos should absolutely be ranked higher than 4.
It is physically addictive.
Schedule 1 is bullshit but schedule 4 is too lax… schedule 3 would be the best fit… also on the topic, benzos should absolutely be ranked higher than 4.
There are absolutely withdrawal symptoms for cannabis use. Lethality is not the criteria used to determine abuse or dependence potential.
They are tho… like literally designed to be challenging but with perseverance, overcame.
But that is objectively false… it’s at least a moderate risk for both abuse and dependence.
Fromsoft bosses are ALWAYS incredibly fair. They may require practice but you can absolutely learn every boss and master them.
This is an oversimplification.