How can they do an independence campaign if they’re independent? Real question, not trolling. I’m not well informed on the geopolitics.
How can they do an independence campaign if they’re independent? Real question, not trolling. I’m not well informed on the geopolitics.
The Mozilla foundation does gift funds…
Yeah… You’re not speaking generally, are you? Because in most EU countries, rail ise is subsidised.
Sorry, litteral translation. English isn’t my mother tongue.
It’s about two gallons to get acute symptoms but just drinking loads of water for a long time can get your sodium levels dangerously low. Anyway, just take care. Too much of anything is… too much.
It’s unhealthy to drink tons of water. Water poisoning is real. When you drink too much water you purge minerals and other useful substances out of your body.
Disgusting! Where?
Don’t know myself but would you please let us know afterwards? For scientifical reasons of course.
That’s the eternal state of France. That’s how they roll. It’s the failed state that gave birth to all failed states. Democrrazy removed.
You want to self host? Good :-)
All a bit different. All have their benefits. Just have a look.
Ah yes. Sous vide enters the chat
Soup in plastic bags is the standard in most industrial kitchens all over the world.
Especially when you heat them ‘au bain marie’ it’s safe-ish. I don’t store food in plastic containers because even food grade plastic leaches but it’s generally allowed.
Yes, I somehow mixed all things up when I read the article and I got confused about government agencies of NK issuing warnings about misinformation.
I know. Too much internet, half asleep. My phone should have a lock on me posting silly stuff when I’m that condition.
I read over the part where they mentioned South Korean press… My bad.
Friggin’ downvotes on a serious question? I hope it brought some relief, you gentle egos.
I thought the article mentioned North Korean press but apparently it’s about South Korean press.
Does NK have free press?
Spaces will come but I miss them too. Threads are another feather that I miss on Elemen X
Matrix works great. Element X is my favourite client.
I never knew. Wild story.
This is all new to me.