Waves can form on anything, even a rain puddle, just need the right forces.
You can see rapids swelling, and those can cause waves.
Waves can form on anything, even a rain puddle, just need the right forces.
You can see rapids swelling, and those can cause waves.
Like what cheap are we talking about here? Ordering from overseas?
Walmart or other cheap places are perfectly fine.
She made a direct threat, and it wasn’t buried in the article or anything.
The woman, Briana Boston, a resident of Lakeland, Florida, said in a phone call with Blue Cross Blue Shield “Delay, Deny Depose,” according to the affidavit, and told the company that “You people are next.”
Vast majority of society does it, a small fraction make a big deal out of it, some do it behind closed doors, but to say society condemns it is just wrong, it’s only a small fraction of a over controlling corp jobs that disallow it. But what’s funny, those execs are all doing it themselves, maybe open the curtain and stop doing what a small portion of society has deemed “acceptable” for the rest of the world.
Some judges won’t care, others would love to swing their power around, you seem to be wanting to be crushed am quieted by those above you for no reason other than their own enjoyment of theirs hypocrisy over you.
Say darn, shoot, dick, dang to a judge and you can have similar results as fuck, so what’s your point here? What isn’t a cuss to you may be a cuss to someone else, yet you want a few people to be the judge of everything? Sure makes sense
Also, 1/6 of the world speaks English, you could use that exasperation in over 80% of society and no one would even know what you said…… I wonder if you realize how many people cuss in their own language that you don’t even realize or know about……
Curtesy? Dont say dang darn or shoot, theres zero difference, but it’s okay for you to have an outburst of frustration, but not for others?
Thats hella biased dude.
All outburst are either acceptable, or they aren’t, why are justifying one’s but disallowing someone else’s? For arbitrary reasons, when they can actually have valid reasons for their use, despite you not wanting to educate yourself.
This is more than about cussing, it’s about any inappropriate outburst, but of course people try to justify their own, while decrying others.
The one being biased and harassing someone for something they also do, would be the hr issue and the one up for layoffs dude, do you work in HR or something?
It’s part of my religion, are you trying to suppress my religious rights?
Or something like that, there’s always an angle to play if someone wants to be petty or want to exert their “power” over their coworkers.
Than they can fight that any outburst is unprofessional and they are being harassed for what other coworkers are doing.
Fuck Shit Damn Shoot Darn
No difference, zero, but personal offense for arbitrary reasons.
Any outburst would be unprofessional, a specific word changes nothing unless directed at someone.
Than replacement words shouldn’t be acceptable either, you can either express your frustration or you can’t. A choose of word shouldn’t make a difference, it should be unprofessional to make an outburst at all if that’s the case.
Ugggh yeah I guess the US is trying to repress that stuff unfortunately.
Good luck buddy.
That sounds about how it went with the guy at my HS in Canada. Guy had an illegal exhaust and would get pulled over all the time, but if he had another car like that, that makes perfect friggen sense. The rumour was dad was mafia related.
Wouldn’t work with surveillance nowadays, but in the 00s yeah.
Don’t you have an ID and mailing address? You should be able to vote there regardless of your traveling status.
Fantastic follow up dude/tte. I hate the bias the media/news pushes, but at the same time if that’s the stuff the general public had to go off, the general vibe of people would be much worse as well, so give and take and little doing your own vetting instead of just accepting what’s in front of you.
The grow ops on the block weren’t in the news, only gossip and what you could dig up (00-10) from ads, but the places were listed as “remediated (mold)” and with the fact that you never really saw anyone there you could 2 and 2 together.
The one had a car parked along the green space after 10pm every Friday, cops asked the neighbours about anything suspicious, shut the water/power off and waited for complaints. Started smelling the next day since the filters weren’t working from lack of airflow. This one was right across the alley and one door down, so literally a neighbours house.
Sorry not media, news, you don’t see many rich people on the news being busted or their drug dens being shown. Theres definitely a news bias and that’s what OP was kinda asking about.
That makes sense, but the media doesn’t want to glorify the good side of making money off of it, so they don’t show that side.
Both sides exist, but one is shown vastly more on the media than the others.
Maybe it has more to do with the spot in the chain and what they’re slinging?
As far as I know the dude supplied a lot of hard drugs and had local “mafia” connection, it’s also a larger city at a mil+.
My parents don’t live in a ritzy nor a downtrodden neighbourhood, but it’s centralist now (outskirts when they bought) they’ve had at least 3 grow ops and/or drug houses get busted on their street. Its a community I would raise my family in, so its not a bad part of town even or anything.
Do they? Or is that just the picture the media presents?
The drug dealer at our high school had a suped up ricer and they lived in the richest neighborhood in town.
… all it can take is going to a website from a windows device… maybe less, it was literally discovered a couple days ago…
It’s not like having IPv6 enabled on a windows machine automatically makes it instantly exploitable by anyone out there.
Yes it actually kinda does, that’s why this exploit is considered the highest priority and critical.
But sure… downplay it, because we only think servers are at risk…
Yeesh buddy.
Great, so let’s suppress a warning because YOU are fine…
Maybe other people don’t realize the issue, but of course you aren’t thinking about anyone but yourself now aren’t you?
I believe it’s damaged by piercing the skin, it’s pristine before.