In what fucking universe are mergers and acquisitions difficult my man
You have a lot of terms conflated in a way that tells me you would benefit from learning more about these ideas.
Natural selection is the opposite of a motivation. All it really is this: Traits that help an organism live to reproduce or do not adversely affect its opportunity or ability to reproduce will continue to propagate in a population of organisms. Traits that hinder an organism in reproducing or adversely affect its opportunity or ability to reproduce will gradually be expressed less. There isn’t a motivation for that, it’s a self-selecting process. If an organism can’t reproduce, it can’t pass its traits on to the next generation. If it can reproduce, it can pass its traits on to the next generation.
Life isn’t motivated to survive because an omnipotent superintelligence wants it to be. All the life that didn’t give a shit about surviving didn’t live long enough to propagate.
Natural selection does not provide an origin for life or the universe. I agree with the other poster who mentions that organic matter - and life - is a result of the basic nature of matter in the universe. I wouldn’t say I know much about the origin of the universe, but inserting a god into it just kicks the can down the road. Every issue you might have with the big bang is just moved one completely unverifiable step away by throwing a god into the equation. Who made god? And, if god can exist without being created, why could not the universe?
No shit, they were discussing the possible geopolitical implications, not saying China is uniquely duplicitous. Please use your media literacy to not insert words into people’s mouths.
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Assange got e-mails for both Republican and Democratic parties from a Russian hacker associated with the Kremlin and then specifically chose to withhold the Republican e-mails and release the Democratic e-mails. If he meant anything he said about transparency, he would have released everything, but that’s not what he or his employers wanted. They wanted their puppet president in Trump, and Assange was happy to help like the Russian asset he is.
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if we punish rapists for rape, good luck finding any non rapist journalists!!!
Just fucking unhinged
No you see, it feels like the US supplied it and that’s good enough for them
You’re wrong, not because you’re a millennial but because you are saying wrong shit.
These laws create an environment where bigots are empowered to point the finger and harass people with the veneer of civic duty. Bigots and shit heels want these laws, and red states seem full of them.
Greg Abbott discussing how he would definitely shoot migrants if they wouldn’t be brought up on murder charges: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/texas-gov-abbott-defends-remarks-stopping-short-shooting-migrants-rcna133748
Greg Abbott blocks border patrol from reaching river, drowning two children: https://www.newsweek.com/greg-abbott-condemned-after-migrant-children-drown-murder-1860554
Greg Abbott installs buoys placed to push anyone in the river to the more dangerous parts of the river in an attempt to drown people: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/29/greg-abott-texas-governor-mexico-border-asylum-seekers-risk
I get that you’re not really arguing in good faith, anyone who has read anything about this bastard knows this stuff, but at least try and do a better job of acting like you don’t know anything.
By that logic, I guess we should all live our lives in fear of the potential backlash of fascists to any social action. Wait, doesn’t that just result in them deciding how we live our lives anyway?
You’re right, the guy who wants to murder people at the border is probably that way for super legit non racist reasons, the media has just been a big meany pants to poor Greg Abbott
We have way more than enough livestock. Humans should be eating less meat.
Catholicism still a tyrannical hate org and child molestation ring, more at 11. Who would have thought a bunch of people sniffing their own farts thinking they literally know what the supposed omnipotent creator of the universe wants (to be overly concerned about human dongs) would be hard to convince otherwise?
Aren’t you the guy chomping at the bit for China to take Taiwan and Hong Kong over? Like a jingoist might?