Guess what - there is no leap. “Your skin is of different colour, so you are worse than me” is the same idiocy as “I’ve done no work to become competent, but I think I am competent”
Guess what - there is no leap. “Your skin is of different colour, so you are worse than me” is the same idiocy as “I’ve done no work to become competent, but I think I am competent”
Let me guess… a guy claiming to have like 7x of my experience and doing a job so shitty so he gets fired and I am assigned to pick up the mess and make it work?
A user trying to claim “your system does not work” and just hoping no one notices he changes settings after the “work” was done, and done as per settings at that time?
A third-party “developer” not being able to even go through the OAuth 2.0 to get access token, then proceeding to complain the previous like ten tokens do not work?
An Airbnb host claiming someone else should cancel a booking for him, because “I used your software”?
A “volunteer” trying to trick other volunteers to get the supposed work done?
A guy who claims himself to be great interpreter being so shit at translation even someone without the knowledge of the language sees it?
What world do you live in lol? You got somewhere where people only behave rationally and act in good faith? Point me to this place
and I myself said I’ve seen even weirder things happen and said. Who are you to talk about the width and breadth of my experience?
Clear your ears or eyes, probably. How hard is it not to imagine what other person has not said?
I am saying I have seen even weirder shit. But do go on suggesting what I should do with my life, just le me grab some beer real quick
No, I do not work with idiots. But I do know them well enough: that kind of interactions are happening to other people, I can bet my life on it
Or protection from losing your job for calling out your coworkers, clients etc.:
So yeah, some people only understand when you speak in plain swear language, and no, that can never mean “so I can badmouth anyone just because I feel like it”
Not to argue, just a bit of self-humour:
And I am doomed because I enjoy it. To hell with all the GUI open-settings-then-a-tab-in-it-and-down-to-rabbit-hole-of-tabs-and-setting-sub-windows, just give me plain damn config file. Also, praise be to people who write where the program looks for config files and what can supercede what in man entries
Edit: most important part. Yes, there is a way. I am in no position to claim to know what is going to help you, but I do know this: there is another way to live. Following is what I have tried and it worked
Been around there, it really is not a good place. Time to look inside. You only have so much time left to live, and only so much energy to do things. As to what can be done, then if possible, take a good break: quit job, buy food, then just stay home. No books, no TV, no speaking to anyone, no internet, no games, no nothing. Your mind will go wild for some time, but then you will recover and see life with more clarity
And for the big picture - look inside. If you were to die today, what would you do? Whom would you speak to one last time? Where would you go if distance was not an issue? What do you want to be done with your dead body? (If the answer is “nothing, I don’t care”, I would strongly suggest go see a doctor. Depression does not just go away)
Also, remember this every day: tomorrow morning, you may not wake up. Today you woke up, but a day will come when you don’t. Remind this to yourself. Slowly this will change your perspective
If you happen to feel like talking - message or ping me, I will answer as fast as I can
Logical and human friendly answer: mutable objects are not a problem, poorly designed code is
Personal rant: why even bother with objects, just use strings, ints, floats, arrays and hashmaps (sarcascm. I have spent hours uncovering logic of large chunks of code with no declaration of what function expects and produces what)
And also, seeing endless create-object-from-data-of-other-object several times has made me want to punch the author of that code in the face. Even bare arrays and hashmaps were less insane than that clusterfuck
I keep hearing about how modal editing is faster
Please, do yourself a favor and ignore that noise. It is more a question of like/dislike and training. Personal sidenote: I daily alternate between PhpStorm and Neovim. Can’t say doing things in either is faster/slower to any significant degree (PhpStorm is mostly there for the things I have not yet configered properly in Neovim, like looking through git history)
and I would like to switch to a more performant editor
This should be looked at and tested objectively: is it working with big files that is the problem? Or navigating the code base? Or something else? Maybe it is better to tweak vscode instead?
And while we are at it: I’ve seen no racism means there is none now?
I’ve also seen no one getting killed or raped. So people do not kill and do not rape then, right?