Most colleges are non-profits, which means they are supposed to be, ya know, not profit seekers. Harvard, like many others, is not a business.
Most colleges are non-profits, which means they are supposed to be, ya know, not profit seekers. Harvard, like many others, is not a business.
Mmm, hours at the computer, creating all these demonic potions of alchemy +XXX.
I mean, just my personal opinion, but abstinence does need to be taught as a co-curriculum with a large portion of relationship education (particularly what a good relationship is/has, and what a bad relationship looks like and how to leave it), and stoicism and some other philosophies that demonstrate how forgoing pleasure (for some things, for periods of time) can lead to better outcomes. I don’t want my kid thinking they need to refrain from sex because it’s somehow immoral, but I also don’t want them to jump into every ‘relationship’ that comes their way in school and start having sex with someone who is just using them for their genitals.
And it was a hilarious one, with some funny subtext. The nature guy with a blowpipe shooting a redneck who was littering from a pickup truck? You can’t tell me that isn’t oddly reminiscent of some of today’s fuck cars stereotypes.
Well, it’s anecdotal, but when I was earning <$30k a year, I wouldn’t go to a restaurant if I couldn’t get a good meal for less than $10, pre tip. I think I went to Applebee’s once, when they had an unlimited wing deal for ~$13, and that was a way to eat for two days in one meal.
Cars…will burn rather than explode
Some of the other folks pointed out the vapors possible in a fuel tank. I’ll add that I had a coworker who had been an explosives disposal fella, and he used to get twitchy if the tank in our car dropped under half. He said it was a relatively small but definitely larger-than-our-car bomb ready to go off. I’d trust his reckonings on that one. Plus, there are parts of a car that, even if its just burning, will explode, such as the tires. I had a single tire blow as I walked around a burning car, and I would not have been amiss in describing it as a small bomb going off.
How is it illegal? If the terms are on the lease, and you agreed to them, then it’s no different than any other business contract. What law prevents a landlord from making that one of the terms?
Right, does no one remember the ubiquitous TV show of young, modern life: friends? It had two groups of folks living in threes. Now, yes, their apartments were mansion-sized for New York, but the premise was still there, and that was the 90s. Heck, my boomer mother talked about how it wasn’t uncommon for people she knew on the east coast of the US to live with parents until early 30s. ’
This isn’t a completely new phenomenon, but the percentage of the paycheck it costs to afford housing, even with a roommate, still seems to be on the rise.
I’ve seen more than a few libertarians who are only libertarian because they’re also misanthropic. They’d love heavy government control, but they don’t trust anybody enough to have power over them, so they choose libertarian ideals. It’s a strange chain of logic, but I guess it’s logical.
I know they’re out there, but there can’t be a significant enough bloc of them to swing things. I’ve never encountered one outside of the internet, and even on the internet they mostly seem to be acting facetiously.
You’d be surprised at some of the sleeper hits. It’s inherent in all genres that one composition will just blow your mind.
…or maybe I just like polka and avoid the weird looks by only having one song on the ipod. Maybe.
The sad part is, some people have done that because in their area there was no legal medical assistance. I read an article a few years ago about a person who decided to go out that way. I can’t imagine how horrible it must be to be clawed by hunger pains for days until death. I’ve experienced hunger for days while waiting on a paycheck, but until death? That’s a whole new level of horror.
While I’m not saying it’s a good idea to avoid fines, most cities aren’t going to go more than 30 minutes or so to pick up a warrant for fines only. Heck, I’ve seen warrants that have a little addendum, “in-state pick-up only,” when the crime was a highly charged felony.
Something the catholic church is against? Either they’re secretly pretty good at being good role models for boys and getting them to open up after experiencing a genuinely warm mentoring relationship, which causes some catholic vices to be revealed and then prosecuted, or the catholic church doesn’t want competition.
It’s too common these days, and honestly, it’s just an evolution of hyphenated names. Why even have the hyphen? Just smoosh 'em together and nobody will notice.
Having the shame to resign puts her ahead of 99.99% of a certain group of people.
Lol, you say that, but catholic churches are very much known for their fish fry fridays in my area.
The dragging death was Jasper, Tx; somewhere around 2-3 hours south off the city of Tyler. Incidentally, it’s a half hour east of the county of Tyler. Also, the rabidness which with the law enforcement and community went after the violent actors in that incident showed pretty clearly what the common man in that area thought of racism.
Sitting on the Holy Seat, informally. That’s where the word cathedral comes from: the fancy seat for visiting bishops.
I mean, I think California just tried something. New York, D.C., New Jersey, Illinois/Chicago, and some other places too.