Jay-Zed as a joke is definitely something I’ve done.
Jay-Zed as a joke is definitely something I’ve done.
Hi. I hold 3 degrees in engineering. 100% of what you said is wrong.
Latex is the norm in any engineering publication I’ve ever been involved with, be it as author, reviewer, or editor. The ones that do take word do so reluctantly and only in a way they can readily convert to latex later.
Judging a quality of a word based on how a paper looks is perfectly valid. I’m disinclined to trust research by people not willing to put in the minuscule effort of typesetting a paper. What else did they cut corners on?
What a little, ridiculous, narrow-minded view of the world.
Not optimality. Maximum profit. Very different from any definition of optimal I would personally use.
My landlord remortgaged the house to pay for a year-long trip around the world.
I guess it’s good he’s enjoying my money.
That’s interesting, do you have a link where I could read more about that?
Cool, Meta can fuck right off the EU. Good riddance.
The only reason you get that title, on either count, is that we decided to brexit.
(Using the word “decided” in the widest possible sense)