They considered it. And then they had edibles and were like, “Fuck yeah, let’s make some wooly mice at work tomorrow.”
They considered it. And then they had edibles and were like, “Fuck yeah, let’s make some wooly mice at work tomorrow.”
I’ll go with .zip because it’s so stupid, it’s funny. It’s like selling .pdf or .docx and expecting zero shenanigans.
But in all seriousness, I like .website. It’s short and to the point. This is my website.
They’re gonna be reading a lot of medical papers just from banning the word “trauma,” to say nothing of common words like “female” and “black.”
The only reason I wouldn’t go with Postgres is if I planned to do other things on the same machine. MariaDB/MySQL has been around forever. You may find something that requires it — Wordpress1, for example, requires MariaDB (or MySQL but use MariaDB) and doesn’t support Postgres.
Also, there’s solutions like Docker containers if you are running multiple things on the same server. But if you’re just learning and putting one thing on a Raspberry Pi as a project or whatever, you don’t need to learn Docker yet.
1 I’m not recommending Wordpress. It’s ancient and has security issues all the time. But over 40% of sites on the Net still use it in some form. (I mean Wordpress.org, the open source project. The Wordpress company seems to be having some “crazy CEO” drama at the moment.)
My ancestors came from the sea.
The ladies do love Splatoon 3.
Ditka vs. a Hurricane? Who would win?
Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! The name of the hurricane is Hurricane Ditka.
We always say Katrina was a man-made disaster. I worry with climate change, that other places will be testing their infrastructure. Katrina should have been the canary in the coal mine and a lot of people just said, “Don’t live below sea level.” Old river damns can break just as easily as neglected levees.
Yeah, I’ve lived in New Orleans or on the East Coast my whole life and don’t recall that sort of movement speed. Usually, you want a fast moving storm so no one area takes on all the rain but Helene was going so fast and was so massive that it’s probably unprecedented.
Helene’s size shocked me but the storm surge for Katrina was unusually extreme. It was a well organized Category 5 and then weakened to a strong 3 right before landfall.
To compare with Helene, which was similar in terms of (east to west) diameter but covered much more area overall, with category 4 winds at landfall: the Weather Channel was making a big deal out of the 8ft storm surges. During Katrina, the Mississippi Gulf Coast had a 28 foot storm surge. (The Miss. Gulf Coast isn’t that geographically different from the Fla. big bend region but that plays a role too.)
Helene’s unusual movement speed kept it strong very far inland and caused massive issues in places that rarely see tropical weather. Harvey was the opposite: it stalled over Houston and dumped days of rain on a major metropolis.
I wish we could update the Saffir Simpson scale to something that takes into account more variables. There are other measurements but no storm is identical in terms of damage potential. A category 5 can not even make landfall whereas something like Hurricane Sandy was a category 1 (or equivalent since it wasn’t technically still a hurricane) when it hit NYC and caused massive damage and flooded subway systems. Sometimes, a storm hitting a place that isn’t used to them can knock over all the trees or flood rivers while a similar storm would be nothing to Miami or New Orleans.
Cousin Eddie has entered the chat.
No one has ever suggested that. We suggest — and I’ll just say it clearly rather than suggest — that people who talk about “races” made up in like 1600, people who cite IQ tests, and people who show their whole ignorant, racist ass online are the fucking morons. Maybe they should show a little humility about their wack ass genetic inheritance.
The funniest thing they could do now is make a really shitty Wario game using only generative A.I.
Centrists putting fascists in power and then selling out the left to (temporarily) save their own asses is a tradition as old as fascism.
I enjoyed the Link’s Awakening remake and Link Between Worlds on 3DS. It looks like it’s got a similar style as those games even if the gameplay might be different.
It might also be setting up a full-blown BoTW-style game for Switch 2 as well. I could totally see this as a “Let’s work out how Zelda’s combat works because Switch 2 is going to have you play as both Link and Zelda.” Kind of like how GTA games have multiple protagonists now.
https://motherfuckingwebsite.com/ If it’s just text, you can probably make a static HTML website and accomplish your goals. I’m not sure what format it’s in now but Markdown is what I use and then just export to HTML.
If you just want to host epub (or equivalent files), you can still make a static page and link to them with Cloudflare Pages, GitHub.io, or one of many free static page hosting sites.
Is it transactional emails, one-to-many, or like a message board where people get email notifications? I’m not sure I’ll have a good answer but I suspect that context would change some answers.
I think N64 was my favorite. I have a lot of NES and SNES nostalgia but the 4 player multiplayer on N64 was when I had the most fun playing with friends.
In my experience, Fedora tends to be what a lot of developers settle on after distro hopping. This is by no way universal and RedHat has issues. But at some point, the OS and desktop environment become background noise compared to your own code and IDE. Younger people probably have different preferences — and they should — but you get more experienced and you have your setup. If my laptop dies, I can get back to coding quicker with Fedora than any other distro and it’s almost always stable.
In the end, a computer is a tool and being skilled with an old tool can be better than being new to a more modern tool. I still use the same brand/type power drill that I used in high school/college when I worked construction in the summers. (Dewalt and I’d rather the old 18v but they switched to 20v. I have an adapter to charge either battery, though, so it’s fine.)