-Agent K
- Michael Scott
-Agent K
- Michael Scott
Welcome to the world of making software for random people, almost certainly made worse by she being a woman.
I first read this and thought you were saying the software was almost certainly made worse and got all indignant then parsed it a second time and relaxed
“Space” as a volume is probably infinite, but even just talking our local stellar neighborhood or even just the solar system and space is already ridiculously more empty and big than anything you could compare to on earth. With I guess the possible exception of high-precision vacuums in laboratories.
Space is, like, SOOOOOO big, and stuff.
Even just a hand grenade is probably plenty. Or a particularly expensive firework.
In the US, every employment contract has a line where any “invention” of an employee belongs to the company, so
Thanks, I just hope my $5000 will be enough
I didn’t know if you meant it that way, but my sleepy brain read it like a threat
Naked and Afraid and Women Who Hunt
Sounds like a very …interesting show.
smoking is often statistically associated with substance abuse and bad health - which increases the likelihood of major trauma events, but on the other hand smokers die earlier,leaving more old people to walk in front of vehicles due to reduced cognitive abilities)
So what about if we control for age? Are old smokers more or less likely to get hit by a bus than old non-smokers?
Quick, someone do an RCT.
I’ve never survived being hit by a bus, and I don’t smoke. Checkmate, atheists.
Also you’re more likely to be milling around outside
Ohhhh, now I get it! I thought that meant it would make my cupboard colder.
If I had the money, I’d pay to watch this.
Okay, never mind. THAT’S the most dystopian thing I’ve read all day.
Can’t stand for this Melinda Gates erasure.
So they should get this kind of treatment, it just shouldn’t be special.