Now I’m curious: if Person A serves two full terms as US president, then Person B (from the same party) runs and chooses A as their vice-president, and then steps down, what would happen? Would A be unable to be picked as B’s Vice President in first place, or would A simply be legally unable to be sworn in as President after B stepped down and the Speaker of the House gets the position instead?
Also, given how Trump’s been even more incoherent and irrational in this election compared to 2016’s, I’d be surprised if he’s still grounded enough in reality (or even alive) to seek more terms in 2028 - he’s already in his 80s and doesn’t live a healthy lifestyle; he has supercharged billionaire-only medicine, but there are only so many miracles that medicine can do.
I guess maybe the Republicans would try to keep him as a front for PR (like a puppet president) while hiding the fact that he’s senile from the population, and governing from the shadows. Which I suppose is barely better than direct rule from Trump himself.