This is the world we live in, my friend. Truth is not something you’re allowed to say. just look at reddit.
What’s happening in Gaza has happened for decades. Only the media is highlighting the issue now, and we all know why.
The case is not so complicated. There is one criminal and one victim. Look for the source of the problem. Take a look at history, after the second world war.
Just knowing what’s right and what’s wrong, and your desire to help is more than enough, just be the voice of the victim.
What’s right? You need to fined out yourself . if you interested do your research. go back to the history, you will find who has the right to exist in the land and who’s not. Go to the source of the problem.
Because you are human. Aren’t you? Stand with what is right.
Before we fall asleep, we become someone else.
I agree with you on the first one. There are parents who do not deserve to be called parents, and they should be punished.(It’s too complicated to discuss in a paragraph, each case alone, and the future effects on the child…). We live in a sick society. In the case of the OP, it is simple,this is not necessary, and his only task is to take care of his mother to not repeat the mistakes of his parents in the future to break the loop. But I don’t agree with the last one, children don’t know exactly what they want (we the adults don’t know what we want sometimes let alone children) but parents should respect their opinions and guide them and teach them how to make the right decision instead of making the decision for them. Have a good day.
I agree with you on the first one. There are fathers who do not deserve to be called fathers, and they should be punished. (It is too complicated to discuss in a paragraph, each case alone, and the future effects on the child…). We live in a sick society. In the case of the OP, it is simple,this is not necessary, and his only task is to take care of his father and not repeat the mistakes of his fathers in the future to break the cycle. But I don’t agree with the last one, children don’t know exactly what they want (we adults don’t know what we want sometimes let alone children) but parents should respect their opinions and guide them and teach them how to make the right decision instead of making the decision for them. Have a good day.
Yes, in this world there is no one who wants what is good for you more than your parents. Many people forget that, if your parents have problems, you need to take care of them.
I agree with you. It was just an exaggeration to send an idea.