Idk about ally hat, I just wanted to say that emoji always makes me think of two people high fiving first, and I need to mentally change it to “no, it’s probably praying”.
Idk about ally hat, I just wanted to say that emoji always makes me think of two people high fiving first, and I need to mentally change it to “no, it’s probably praying”.
To my mind, Ban has always meant permanent.
Then explain perma-ban
Joke aside though - ban is a toggle. You can toggle something on or off, but it usually implies something temporary. You can then manually unban someone at a later date, or have the unban be automated in some cases.
“I turned the lights on” - there is no expectation that you never turn them off again
“It is snowing outside” - at some point it will stop snowing
“I’m banned from my local book club for repeatedly asking if they made a movie for that one” - this too shall pass. Maybe in 4 years when I go back they’ll forgive me and let me back in, and by that time I’ll have watched Moby Dick - manual toggle of the ban back to ‘off’ is expected here.
“I was banned from Day9’s stream for backseating” - here the ban would have an automatic limit, maybe something like a million seconds.
I know, right? You can just get something else he’s interested in. Like OP, maybe the kid likes antiquities, you could get him some from Benito Mussolini’s 12000 piece collection in the Colonial Museum. Or maybe he likes art, you could buy him one of Hitler’s paintings.
Any employer hiring based on who you know is an employer you don’t want to work for.
And I mean sure, if you’re in fashion or politics, it matters who you know. But if not, you’re at the mercy of recruiters and overworked people from your field who have seen literally hundreds of others who can do better.
Why would college students not be getting jobs? It means people with more experience are applying for those same jobs and getting them. And why are people with more experience doing that? Most simple answer is because they’re coming off a layoff from their previous job, and their industry isn’t hiring as much.
As more and more business outright fail because they’re not competitive enough, or downsize to reduce costs, you’ll see more and more unemployment in experienced workers. Their availability on the market will mean less jobs for students and college graduates. It doesn’t have to be a complicated answer - college grads are just in too much supply and not enough demand these days.
Not sure. I can’t remember right now why I blocked dbzer0 completely, but my filters are blocking this instance. Which I guess is another side of the same coin: defederation (and allowing entire instances to be blocked) also contributes to fragmentation of communities. I had no idea the largest piracy community is on dbzer0, so I would subscribe to another piracy community on another instance, and thus split the memberships even more.
Jeezie. Like Swiftie, but for fan fiction on the Hebrew Bible.
Effective? No. Considering the purpose of all internet communities is to grow and have diversity, it’s not effective. Aside from the currently low number of users, the fact that you can have the same community in different instances means a community will never grow large enough. Add to that the “you’re literally killing children if you’re a centrist” people and all the tankies, and what you have here is a leftist circlejerk that will remain small and irelevant enough to suit its need to be an echo chamber without any actual diversity. So maybe it’s effective from that point of view? Idk.
Linus Torvalds expressed frustration over the use of passive voice in merge commit messages, preferring active and imperative language instead.
Things To Care About, vol 147, 2nd edition
Because you can’t have elitism in the group that knows so little about fixing something that one of their actual plans of action is to reboot and pray
Users are dumb and lazy
Funny, that has actually been my entire experience with corporate IT. This field attracts the type of firemen that won’t climb down the pole because it’s a safety hazard. Y’all are… something special.
Yes, like most normal people do.
There’s a lot of discussion when you’re a software dev about the best way to do things, and a lot more is spent on this debate than on actually writing code. One could wonder if there is so much discussion because there are so many good ideas that it’s difficult to choose the one that is optimal for the situation.
But then you read one of these posts on lemmy and you are reminded that someone with internet access and thumbs could spare the short time they have to take a shit to egregiously misunderstand a simple fucking slogan, smugly post about their shit take on the internet, and then return to their job where they will then spend hours misunderstanding the simplest of fucking concepts, slowing down everyone else along with them.
I mean, it just sounds like the people from your Tools/Infrastructure/IT/Devops/whatever-it’s-called-for-you department are fucking incompetent and can’t properly configure a Single Sign-On. Took mine a few years as well, I think the ticket was stuck in the queue behind the “restart some servers when nobody’s watching to see how long until they find the issue” tickets, which they seemed to be working on weekly.
Also, I can’t think of any reason why SSO can’t work with Mozilla or Chrome also, not just with Edge.
There is no harm in it being there, after all.
See, that’s where having the data would be great Because while this is intuitive, it’s not confirmed. I think most shows showing suicide also paint the event in a pretty bad light. What if having the disclaimer there makes someone not want to watch the show, and they continue to glorify suicide, whereas maybe if they watched the show and saw someone in pain after their loved one committed suicide, maybe it’d trigger something in them, to know how much this act would hurt others.
I’m not saying this is the case. I would just like to know the numbers, because unless they show a decrease in suicide attempts since the warning/phone number was introduced, then we’re really just speculating if it’s helping, hurting, or just neutral.
That’s silly, if Json was superior the web would be using HTJson, not HTML.
Wow, a wate of time, he even left out the ‘s’ to save time. This is how you know he’s a good programmer, others never bother to optimize unneeded characters out of their comments.
So your theory is that women were the hunters, because they’re faster after 200 miles? These people walked like 10-20 miles a day, and had to carry the food back home so that everyone else could eat. You imagine them going on month-long expeditions, carrying dead animals for 2 weeks back home? Are they also carrying mini fridges to keep the meat from spoiling?
I’m trying to even, but I can’t.
Does this really qualify as a diagram?
Oldman.setHealth(“dicktits”); //normalize pls
Oldman.setHealth(“-100±1%”); //make percentage pls
Oldman.setHealth(0.0); //it is subunitary, but undefined behavior - will it access the ‘numeric value’ overload, or the ‘subunitary numeric value’ overload?
Don’t write your own code just yet.
That too. But he’s also really angry that the world passed him by. That his understanding of AI turned out to be less than others’. That his skills couldn’t make it happen and while he was on the side of the road watching everyone else try and commenting on their failures, someone actually kind of succeeded. Not completely, of course. But enough that it eclipses all of his career and makes him seem like just another naysayer that’s been proven wrong. Like someone who can’t make things happen so he resorts to laughing at those who even try. Like an old man yelling at clouds.
So yeah, now the narrative has to change and he has to yell at the bad capitalists who are bringing about the destruction of our way of life. Otherwise he looks like a hasbeen yelling about the people who could do more than him. So he does this yelling at capitalists from the comfort of his home, typing on the technological achievements of the last hundred years, without needing to worry about making and washing his own clothes, walking to the village 50 miles west, his wife dying in childbirth or him catching a stomach bug and shitting himself to death, all because we had a fucking industrial revolution that took care of those aspects and so many more, and those capitalist pigs saw there’s money to be made in technology improvements so they invested in it. Did this benefit the few more than the many? Yes. Did many people find themselves out of a job, needing to adapt to strange conditions they were never trained for? Yes. Did it also bring about incredible quality of life improvements, especially to this old useless fuck who wouldn’t even have a job without the last few decades of tech advancement, if he could even stay alive through the last pandemic? Also yes. So sitting on the sidelines crying about capitalism while at the same time enjoying its benefits is nothing more than a hypocritical plea for attention, all stemming from the fact that he can’t seem to be able to stand having been wrong. Which, holy shit - get that narcissistic crap outta my sight.
Fake af. When your house is robbed, you can go fuck yourself - your shit is gone unless you’ve got GPS trackers in it. Here’s a more likely scenario:
“Why did you pull me over?”
“4 years ago you filed a report that your house was robbed. This is now becoming a problem, as people have noticed we do nothing for society, and your report is adding to that statistic. Would you like to close it, or shall we go ahead and process that broken taillight?”
“what broken taillight?”
“down on the ground! I said down!” <sounds of gunshots hitting car, sounds of body hitting steering wheel, sounds of prolonged honking, sounds of thin blue line erections, sounds of coke being sprinkled, sounds of policeman breaking taillight>