The pilot’s point of view
The pilot’s point of view
I agree completely
No, but it is being a belligerent in a war. To be completely clear I am pro-Ukraine and think that we in Europe and North America should be doing far more to help Ukraine. I’m just also wanting to make sure we can call zante for the actual wrong stuff they said rather than misunderstandings
While I do think that zante is just trying to both sides a situation that is very much not both sides, “belligerent” does not mean “aggressor”. Everyone fighting a war is a belligerent in it
The Houthis claim so, at least. Iran has them (home-grown and possibly some bought from Russia) so it’s certainly not implausible for the Hoithis to get their hands on some too
It seems to have touched down with no significant damage to the fuselage until it hit the embankment. The pilots did manage to bring it down at least somewhat softly and on a runway, they just couldn’t get it stopped on time
Neuf is both. Neuf/nouveau in French is like new/novel in English
“Neuf” is both “nine” and “new”. The two forms of “new” - neuf/neuve and nouveau/nouvelle - descend from different declensions in Latin. We have an echo of this in English too with new and novel
Maybe just to see through clouds? The red patches of th Neuf-Brisach one in particular look very plausibly cloud-shaped
It’s registered in the Cook Islands. Not that that matters, because flags of convenience make registration functionally meaningless most of the time with modern shipping
What I’m taking from this is that if we had invented Western musical notation in 2016 we would undoubtably have used 🅱for everything
As I understand it, yes. The b rotundum and b quadratum. I actually have no idea where the natural sign comes from though, now that I think about it
I really dislike that German system, but for those that want an explanation:
Traditional European music theory evolved towards using sets of seven notes out of twelve in an octave. We eventually labelled those notes A through to G. Originally A was the lowest note available in common notation and we built our instruments accordingly (see the lowest and highest note on most pianos even today), but we then take a particular liking to the scale that starts on C using this system.
Even though this worked really well most of the time, in each seven note scale there was one standard combination that was pretty harsh (the diminished chord, such as the B chord in C major). To get around this, people just kind of accepted that B could be in two different places - the usual position if that sounded better, the flattened one (one twelfth of the octave lower) if that worked better. The system of sharps and flats wasn’t standard yet - nor was the modern staff system at all, for that matter - and it was only really this note that it mattered for most of the time, so the solution was to write the letter B in two different ways depending on which one you meant. There was a round B and a square B.
And then Germany gets really good at making printing presses. This is very useful for spreading copies of musical notation, but it does present a problem: your press probably doesn’t have two ways to write the letter B. So what do you do instead? Use another letter for one of them. H is the eighth letter, and it even looks kinda like the square B anyway, so that becomes the standard practice.
One fun quirk of this is that it permitted Johann Sebastian Bach to write his last name in musical form, which he went on to do in a whole bunch of his compositions
Maybe they’re testing to see if and how we prove we’re in a simulation as part of figuring out if they are themselves in one
Maybe they’re re-creating the circumstances of their own world to test theories that they can apply in the real world, and since they can ponder whether or not they’re in a simulation then we have to be able to as well or we’d act too differently
Maybe it’s a total accident. They’re actually studying something over in Andromeda and we’re just a funny accident created as a byproduct of the rules of the simulation
To be fair, this is usually a spam mitigation thing. Most places that do it have an automod that just deletes anything posted by an account less than x days / weeks old, rather than a human going through and doing it manually. It’s usually in the rules of the sub
A variant is requiring a certain amount of karma for the same reason
There’s a region close to the UN-forces-only section where each side is allowed a limited presence under the agreement. Israel still shouldn’t be occupying it, but putting troops there doesn’t necessarily violate this specific agreement deoending on the numbers involved
On a per capita basis it still emits about half as much as the United States.
This is still high, and China’s per capita emissions have only gone up over time so far. It currently emits about as much per person as the EU does. This is too much, and both China and Europe need to reduce their emissions by a lot. Every year that they don’t is more damage done.
Also, China’s emissions figures are misleading since it has an enormous surplus in trade of manufactured goods.
Consumption-based emissions paints a slightly better picture of China, but only slightly. It is still 90% of the EU’s per capita emissions on this metric.
And just generally, what on Earth is that last full paragraph? “If China almost doubles the number of cars it sells, and it subsidises all of them by this number that appears to have been plucked from nowhere, and then it also subsidises batteries and solar panels by the same amount, well that makes a really big number that America isn’t doing nearly as much as!”
The WP article is not some anti-China screed; it is openly discussing China’s very real opportunity to lead the way for the world here. It brings up a lot of the progress that China has made and its enormous success in manufacturing the things needed for cleaner power. That it also brings up some of the challenges China faces in doing so hardly seems “bizarre” to me. Right now China is doing no better than Europe, and the fact that they’re both better than America will help exactly none of us.
Just be sure you give someone a heads up so that they can practice their archery enough to actually set you on fire
I do not know the actual answer to this, but I can definitely see a potential causal link between “shitty to no QA” and battery fires