I think it’s a good idea, everyone should be automating this anyway.
This is still not possible in all scenarios. For example, wildcard certificates for DNS providers with no API support.
I think it’s a good idea, everyone should be automating this anyway.
This is still not possible in all scenarios. For example, wildcard certificates for DNS providers with no API support.
Learning ESPHome has been the most liberating thing. Take back control of your home. Local first. Privacy respecting.
Just a taste of the deepening US oligarchy, as more public services are gutted in the favour of corpo interests.
This isn’t a hate crime, it’s terrorism, since it was politically motivated.
Lots of great points in the comments. But I think so far no one has really addressed your core complaint head on, which is why society tolerates a double standard here.
Parents get a pass because they are supporting more than just themselves… It may appear that the parent who is getting a free pass is pulling less weight, if you look at this exclusively through the lens of comparing contribution to the company’s productivity. But if you expand that lens a bit, you see that raising a child is also work to be valued (which you benefitted from yourself, btw). Frankly, a company with a work culture that considers its social responsibility to the community beyond merely spitting out products is a really good thing.
If you are ok with the double standard of handicapped parking, you should be ok with this too.
AFAIAC, all that that achieved was to push me off of those MS products.
I can’t relate with this feeling of wanting to “troll people on Reddit” at all. Are you conjoined at the hip with them? Is your identity defined by your relationship with them?
Cut them out. Try some scissors.
There is no justice in the US right now. Why bother holding this person accountable when we can’t even hold the highest position in the land accountable for their crimes. The social fabric is unraveling.
The 2017 one was based. All the other ones are a big fat meh, especially the 2024 one.
Working in a team, means you have to be able to work with other people. It’s just a functional requirement of any such job. I get the impression that you are in denial about this reality.
Should you “come clean” with future employers? Yes. Be honest about what you can or can’t do and set boundaries. That also means being honest with yourself about what the job requirements really are. You will continue to be miserable if you don’t do these things.
I spent an unhealthy amount of time on Reddit. Getting bored of Lemmy is a feature, not a bug. Embrace it.
Whataboutism and a straw man in the same sentence. Smells like speed running trolling.
The point, in one sentence:
If you are the product, not the paying customer, then not only is there no incentive to cater to your needs, there exists incentive to make the product worse for you if it means the paying customer extracts more from you.
Users of freemium software are basically nothing more than willing cattle. Housed and fed for free only to be slaughtered.
Maybe people just can’t help themselves? I fear we can’t have a fair and free market if people are so easily manipulated.
You would never say
"What’s YOUR name?
“How old are YOU?”
“Where ARE you from?”
Let me take this a step absurdly far:
You may be slightly more buoyant (and therefore apply less force on a scale) everytime you breath in. It’s not the presence of air that has this effect, it’s the decrease in density of your total body (mass/volume) that has that effect. (Helium just contributes a fractional more difference in density compared to air, but how much you breath in probably matters much more than what you breath)
Except, maybe not. Because the air you breath in partially dissolves in your blood. Dissolved matter does not decrease density, rather the opposite: it packs tightly into the voids, increasing mass for the same volume.
How much of an effect this has is hugely debatable, probably depends on a dozen biological and circumstantial factors, and this is where my knowledge ends. But it’s fun to imagine.
However, if you can imagine inhaling but holding your breath at the same time, creating a vacuum in your lungs, then yes, you would be more buoyant, even more than inhaling helium, and the scale would read slightly less.
If it’s such a problem, maybe we just collectively move on to ES or TypeScript nomenclature?
There is no rule that the angles of a triangle add to 180 degrees.
I think this is debatable. If it was not, then the answer to OP’s question would be obvious, and this thread would be uninteresting. The words we use carry a lot of unwritten baggage.
This is what happens when stack overflow is used for training.
Non-boomer here, I hate squirrels.
If you try to grow your own vegetables, you too will come to hate squirrels. I promise. Ageism need not apply to squirrel hate or vegetable enthusiasm.
Americans don’t really value freedom. Not really. Americans pretend they like freedom, but they will give up all their freedoms for the slightest bit of convenience, and because social media told them so.
Am I talking about consumer electronics, or politics? Impossible to say.