Hate to break it to you, but he still doesn’t know a good script.
Hate to break it to you, but he still doesn’t know a good script.
They were repeatedly being selected for the people who could handle a slightly colder environment, so by the time the population reached the polar regions, all that was left was people with traits to handle the cold. Any remotely beneficial recessive gene would quickly replace dominant alleles in the population.
Although I’m sure there was some genetic adaptation, I’d argue it was more technological advancement. The northernmost tribe discovers a better make of clothing, or a better housing structure and suddenly the colder winters farther north are now tolerable so people settle there. The new northern tribe refines their technology and knowledge and now that they know how to… ice fish or something they have a winter food source, and now their descendants can settle even farther north.
Just be aware that the Gemini is rather limited in the logic department, even as chat bots go.
Security agents, however, searched her phone and said they discovered that prior to traveling to Russia she had made a $51 donation to a U.S-based organization that provides aid and assistance to Ukraine.
Yeah… I’m guessing this is less about “treason” and more “We need more human bargaining chips”
I can’t wait for this ruling to be challenged repeatedly until it’s eventually overruled by the Supreme Court.
“I don’t know why they were being so obstructionist about this subpoena,” Thomas said. “It’s baffling to me.”
It’s almost like he has something to hide.
IMO improving graphics technology is a case of diminishing returns. Sure you can always make a better looking game by throwing more processing power at it, but that has (at best) a minor effect on things like gameplay and story. Like seriously, if Squenix had decided to make FF7: Rebirth in the PS3 era, other then some uglier graphics how much would the game have have been different?
And (to actually tie this in to the thread) that’s the reason PS5 sales have been so sluggish. What do you really need those PS5 graphics for? I mean my PC is still running hardware from 5-10 years ago, because there isn’t anything I really need to upgrade for. Most of what I’ve been playing is indy titles and for the few graphic intensive games I want to play they’ll usually run if I lower some graphics settings.
From the Moodthingy (ugh…) at the bottom:
How does this post make you feel? Angry 86%
The 67-year-old chair of the real estate company Van Thinh Phat was formally charged with fraud amounting to $12.5 billion — nearly 3% of the country’s 2022 GDP.
Wow, when your fraud starts being measured in “percentage of GDP” you know you got too greedy.
That opens up the possibility of vegan cheese, butter, etc. but as true dairy products.
There actually are vegan dairy-ish products out there. Several startups have inserted the gene for casein (the main protein in milk) into yeast. So you just harvest the casein, add a little bit of some sort of fat and sugar and you have something that’s 99% the same as milk, and can be used in the same sorts of processes.
The only product that I’ve actually tried was some Brave Robot ice cream, which was well… ice cream.
Two things really.
Tradition. Alcohol has a long history in European culture and by immigration the United States. It’s common to have a glass of wine or a beer with dinner, the rich will impress their friends with the extravagant alcohol they drink serve, you take a glass of wine at communion… heck at one point weak beers were drunk more than water, because at the time nobody knew what made water safe to drink but everyone could tell if beer smelled rotten.
Production. Marijuana is easy to grow, but it takes a lot of time and space to produce. Alcohol on the other hand you need something with sugar and some yeast or starter. It can be fermented in some corner of the basement or even a cupboard. It’s so hard to control the production of alcohol even in prisons there’s usually somebody fermenting pruno somewhere and that’s one of the most controlled and monitored environments. It’s really hard to prevent people from brewing some form of alcohol because it’s about as easy as making bread.
When you combine these two you end up with the disaster that occurred when the United States tried to ban alcohol during prohibition. An easy to produce intoxicant with a large market was suddenly banned, when people started looking for more organized crime stepped in to fill the void.
It’s not so much that their out of ideas, it’s that they don’t want to take a chance on a new idea. Why take a risk on a unknown writer or producing what could be a revolutionary film when you can just regurgitate a movie that you know was already a hit before?
Pyracantha, they’re in the rose family.
The berries are sorta edible, sorta poisonous. Basically they took the “cyanide in apple seeds” trick and cranked it up to eleven, so you don’t want to eat the fruits. However you can boil the fruits to extract the juice and make a jelly out of it.
That ad is one of the dumbest attempts at damage control I think I’ve ever seen.
He spends more time on a soap box ranting about COVID-19 and masks then actually addressing what he’s actually in hot water about. It’s literally just “The student violated dress code standards and I’m totally not a racist, BUT LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THE TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENT MAKING WEAR MASKS OVER THE COVID HOAX!!!”
“Oh we weren’t doing this out of malice… we’re simply so incompetent we accidentally ban legit users!”
Oh yeah, great alibi. I totally believe that on the site where reports for rape threats, racism and calls for genocide regularly are stated as not breaking community rules your stringent automods might accidentally ban legitimate users.
I mean… he’s already publicly admitted abusing prescription drugs. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/872260000491593728
Eh, why not use a Ouija board instead? Get all the pseudo science deployed to find these leakers.
I’d be interested to hear how your supposed to stop the moose once it’s decided its going to lick your car.
They chose corn. Which barely gets digested.
Corn gets digested. The “corn” you see in your poo after eating sweet corn is usually a empty hull, the good stuff has been digested and only the tough fibrous hull is left. Hard corns are upper-mid in their amount of calories per volume when compared to other grains.
What am I missing here, this is way too obviously strange to me, gotta be missing something.
The main reason of “why corn” is that corn is a staple food, meaning that in many regions of the world (including the US) it supplies a large amount of the calories a person eats to get through their day. This includes many areas where subsistence agriculture is common. As such in some countries a subsistence farmer may grow corn and most of what he eats throughout the year is that corn. Obviously, this is not a ideal diet and malnutrition becomes a common problem, like say anemia.
Also corn uses C4 photosynthesis, which is much more efficient than the C3 photosynthesis most crops use. Which means (depending on conditions) you can get more grain per acre.
Edit: I just noticed that I typed “substance” rather than “subsistence”… twice. Fixed now.
Haha, no. The Republican hierarchy goes: self, spite, cronies, party, Republican Jesus’ “Christianity”, jingoism. Actually helping the country and the people don’t fit in there.