The ER might not let you die but fuck you if you need some sort of medication you can’t afford.
The ER might not let you die but fuck you if you need some sort of medication you can’t afford.
I have not seen it but my guess would be the pizza gate mess.
They don’t live in that Mississippi they live in the other one. The one that the hell they created keeps going.
Ha, not just that shit. They have made it illegal to even help the homeless half the time. I got yelled at by a cop because I was giving a bunch of people in a homeless camp some food that I had dumpster dived (dove?). They want to make it so we can’t even help people when we have the ability to.
That’s another part of the problem too if you think about it. There are so many problems it feels impossible to address them all. Homelessness, Health care, the criminal “justice” system, income inequality, racism and all that other shit. We, myself included, try to address the individual problem and forget that its all the same problem.
That and I am convinced that they keep most people just comfortable and distracted enough so that they think they have just a little more than they are willing to lose. You know bread and circuses, its been working for the last few 1000 years. I also have to wonder if the controlled media doesn’t keep people afraid and angry at their neighbor so that we don’t all band together and do something about it.
WTF is wrong with this stupid broken ass country. Hey lets force woman to have a baby but not provide medical care or anything for the mother and kid after its born. How have we allowed life saving medical care to be for profit? How the fuck have “We the people” not burned this shit to the ground yet?
Not sure if this is possible or practical for that situation but peanut butter is a good source of protein and calories. It also does not need refrigerated. There is the issue of allergies though.
But…but they told me global warming was a hoax…
Why do people hate women so much?