Both can be wrong, Sounds like you’re just here to derail into having a different conversation you want to have entirely separate to the topic rather than addressing the actual topic.
Both can be wrong, Sounds like you’re just here to derail into having a different conversation you want to have entirely separate to the topic rather than addressing the actual topic.
Please don’t romanticize unnecessary violence. And all just because two irrational idiots failed at communication with egos the size of the sun. This is how toxic masculinity is made.
My cat guards me while I’m on the toilet, ready to take on any predators while I’m in a vulnerable state. You can’t convince me they have less than complex emotions.
It’s crazy to me that the highest populated countries that are most affected by it by that article (China and US) are contributing the most to it (unchecked capitalism) and still refuse see their connnection to their own discomfort
And again when al gore warned everyone with uncomfortable truth in 2006
Not all of us watch that trash.
The Roiland DV case is very different from the depp/heard defamation case.
1: the Roiland case was about whether or not he was found to be committing DV. and it was inconclusive evidence. He might not be found guilty but he’s also not found innocent.
2: His accuser was not to be found guilty of perjury. the case was about finding evidence of DV. Not perjury of his accuser. the depp/heard case was explicitly about what heard gave to the media is what she was found guilty of.
3: Roiland and his accuser didn’t sign a non-disparagement claus. and his accuser didn’t then go talk to Washington post without any conclusive evidence on the outcome of the case. And probably a good thing roiland didn’t sign such a non-disparagement claus as he did post misinformation meant to publicly harm his accuser with that misleading Twitter post about what his case was actually about.
Calling it sarcasm is a poorly aimed compliment to assume they are so clever.
You even make shitposting look bad
You are everything that is wrong with the internet.
This is why you don’t short yourself on voice actors and make only one do them all. Hinging your entire success off of one and only one person brings and creates it’s own risks.
Yes cuz millenials are singled out and targetted with all world events revolving around and affecting only them.
Highly recommend Division games(1&2).
Dying light (1) is an ok coop if you’re into zombies.
Ghost recon is good for coop.
Evil west,
Styx(is on my list to try with my friend),
vermentide is an old fav
Tiny teena’s assault on dragon keep.