Helium by volume is lighter than air. That metric is called density.
So if you displace the volume in your lungs with helium that weighs less than the air that’s usually there, you will weigh less.
Helium by volume is lighter than air. That metric is called density.
So if you displace the volume in your lungs with helium that weighs less than the air that’s usually there, you will weigh less.
Love this. Reminds me of this one
Minoxidil and finasteride will prevent further hair loss and thicken up what you still have. I highly recommend them.
Finasteride is a hormone based therapy which prohibits the production of DHT which strangles hair follicles, but it can effect male reproductive health so I recommend taking it typically instead of orally to prevent systemic exposure.
I have been using a combo spray for almost a year with great results.
It looks so much bigger in person.
And also one of the most sure ways you’ll actually end up dead. Stomach wounds are very prone to infection.
Film based DSLR huh?
It’s like the ==, but there’s one more =
It would be nice if it worked that way.
I didn’t say bad things weren’t happening. Just that aljazeera is a biased source and that people in this community like it because it gives them confirmation bias.
“Al Jazeera also has an opinion page that exhibits significant bias against Israel. …”
Down vote me all you want. Turns out an Arab news source is just blatantly biased against Israel. It seems like a lot of people on here choose to get their news from sources who share the same opinions they do so that they can get that sweet sweet confirmation bias.
Aljazeera does, and they seem to get posted on here a lot for some reason.
Yes, that’s because gun control is racist and classist.
The point is that federal judges are finally doing their jobs and blocking unconstitutional laws.
Bad posture is also a symptom of a greater muscle imbalance or weakness, not necessarily something you should focus on changing on it’s own.
I had very bad posture, but once I started going to the gym and strength training and built a more balanced base of strength, my posture improved greatly on it’s own. At least I have noticed significant difference.
Hunched shoulders can be corrected somewhat just by exercising the back with pulling exercises like lat pulldowns, pullups, and rows.
Lower back issues can be helped by training dead lifts, good form for that exercise is extremely important though.
Of course you should also include some yoga and stretching in your routine too, that has numerous benefits. I would recommend getting a personal trainer if you’ve never been to the gym before to teach you to do exercises correctly until you’re comfortable on your own.