With the demise of Omnivore I was about to roll out an alternative on my NAS. How does this compare to Wallabag?
With the demise of Omnivore I was about to roll out an alternative on my NAS. How does this compare to Wallabag?
I love this comment so effing much! ❤️
They said it in the theatrical cut right? I’m not just misremembering that she said it in the theater, right?
her reaction of shock is genuine because she was told up until that point that it would be Nichelle who was starring in that scene and was genuinely surprised to be across from Walter Koening instead.
While she may have been told Nichols would be in the film when she signed on, she didn’t fucking “find out” when they were literally filming the actual scene, you absolute pancake. That is not even remotely how film production works.
The surprise would, at the latest, have happened the day before when Goldberg might have noticed Nichols wasn’t on the call sheet, but in reality probably far before that during the normal course of production communications. Jfc
There are different unions for different trades. Stop trying to sound so smart, you keep failing.
I demand a news site where all articles are written in this fashion NOW!! This is solid fucking gold!
If your organization is too big to act with integrity then maybe it’s time to downsize a bit.
Actually boycotting ironically hurts in this situation.
Writers and actors are encouraging people to keep watching and taking about shows & movies because that underscores the value they bring and are trying to get recognition for, ultimately bolstering their case.
Keep watching anything and everything folks!
The fact that “patient dumping” happens often enough for there to be a term for it infuriates me.
I just spun up Wallabag on my server the other day to replace Omnivore. Im going to take a look at this, but does anyone have experience or thoughts on how this compares? I’m not so deep into it yet that I couldn’t switch to Linkwarden if it’s better.
My main uses would be archiving articles and highlighting passages.