Russian delegation yes, Putin prob no, unless previous agreed upon
Russian delegation yes, Putin prob no, unless previous agreed upon
I think they are calling them weak. I figured it would be but when you put it in comparison we are almost there but not quite to the same level
Ahhhh after all you are as corrupt as your southern European cousins over here.
Welcome to our lives
Wich president’s and national security advisers, wich business magnates and wich organised crime affiliate fucks.
Let’s rob the guillotine in the Museum of the Prefecture of Paris, and place it back on the street.
I personally recommend Epstine’s old street as a warning or a promise.
Americans when they can’t have wars:
Oh yhe, -brings wars into schools
I think it was when they needed people to replace the dead natives
I think it was when they needed people to replace the dead natives
Well sometimes you just have to burn whole cultures down to extract the precious resources you need. Even If those resources are people and that culture is the American principles of a new hope and of acceptance to immigrants
But it started in Spain XD.
Also in no way I’m saying or did I say we are smarter.
Shhh it’s Spaniard logic also known by us Portuguese as: pure stupidity.
Why do you think the inquisition did so well in Spain. They aren’t very intelligent
Interesting thins this is why our armies are using smaller calibers offen.
Especially more then in passed large wars. The point isn’t to kill its to injure
Oh my I’m surprised.
Even If it was I would take a piss on your officer.
God America is weird, you realize in most European countries if you are caught pissing in the street the police will:
1 shout to try and scare you and then tell you to fuck off
2 nothing else unless you have a private beef with that specific cop
3 Scandinavian countries are their own thing, but Scandinavians probably wouldn’t piss in the street lol
Don’t worry, climate collapse of all ecosystems is our retirement in like 3 years or something like that
Well that fucking stupid. Osha bad because regulation bad.
Wtf kinda shit do you eat in the morning? Is it lead?
Weird the gate staff always asks me for id. And when I’m doing my baggage check in too
It’s got to be as good as anywhere else within Europe BC of shared borders.
He defenetly had help from the inside. I mean I can’t fly from Greece to Portugal without showing my id 2 times at least
Especially taking in consideration how cheap it all is