The water doesn’t make a difference. What’s killing the bacteria is the heat. The water just changes the method of heat transfer. But as others have already said, killing the bacteria may not necessarily make it safe
The water doesn’t make a difference. What’s killing the bacteria is the heat. The water just changes the method of heat transfer. But as others have already said, killing the bacteria may not necessarily make it safe
What do you mean? People watch twitch, why would this be any different?
Don’t forget about all the Harold and Kumars, pineapple express, basically every other movie with Seth rogan, all the bill and Ted’s, Project x, role models, tropic thunder, horrible bosses, 21 jump street, etc. Some of these are also older, but I do think there are a lot more out there than you’re listing
If you actually watch the documentary they also talk about 2 pedophiles who were on his set at nick and convicted during that time and one pedophile who was convicted from a disney set.
It’s less about Dan schneider specifically (although he does seem to have a lot of unprofessional, sexist, and inappropriate mannerisms) and more about the need to increase protections for the physical and mental well being of child actors as a whole
Thanks, I didn’t realize they were tied together
Also Baby driver and Shaun of the Dead
Did you use melted or soft butter? Did you refrigerate the dough before baking?
We would need to know more about the recipe and what you did while baking to know for sure
Testosterone does increase risk of heart failure so that is certainly part of it.
Women are also more risk-averse. Risky living = high chance of dying
It sounds like if you’re trying all of this and it’s still not working, something about the way you’re selling yourself isn’t working. Have you tried changing your resume to better match different job descriptions? Try having someone give you feedback on the way you interview. Are you coming on too strong? Maybe you dont have enough specific examples in your answers or too many specifics and not enough leadership/direction. I would also use LinkedIn if you’re not already
Really great shows have a broader plot premise and are free to build new storylines and character arcs each season. As YoBuckStopsHere said, some great shows build up and grow overtime - think Breaking Bad, Parks and Rec. Both shows start off slower, focus on character building in the earlier seasons. Then they become plot focused later on.
Other shows have the flexibility to create new story arcs so each season almost stands on its own but they still stay within the larger overarching premise, example - The Great, Game of thrones (although they really gave up at the end)
I think good shows have a plan for how to get to the end and mediocre shows do as OP described - have a beginning and end planned and not much in the middle. I don’t think all shows are stuck in Act 2, but it does say something that the ones that aren’t stuck there stand out that much more
Boiled meat tastes bad because you’re not adding oil/butter. You’re also not applying enough direct heat (plus keeping it too moist) to create the maillard reaction that is needed for a crust to form