Canadian is much easier, because you don’t have to fake an accent.
I think it could be understood to mean between the two skill sets, having a total of five years experience. But that could be 7 years of python and ten minutes of FastAPI, so it’s still a bad metric.
That’s what she said!
I would be okay with that method. It at a minimum authenticates an individual.
Can we discuss how the ladies look gigantic in VR porn or are we all just going to keep watching it?
I like that he doesn’t have a hero complex and just seems like a normal dude with an amazing skill.
I think it’s a matter of quality control and safety. One kitchen might get it right, but another under cooks the meat and gives a customer food poisoning. Who is liable?
I’m responsible for four of those… Three nieces and my wife.
o1 preview is insane really, it even corrects you when you ask a question poorly, or rather, it talks around your mistakes.
This is now canon.
60% of their lines are already buried, it’s cost stopping the other 40%, the poor man’s tax on a government level.
Bookmarked and will revisit in retirement.
Have y’all tried to explain the cost/risk analysis of burying your damn power lines to your local or state authorities?
I think you underestimate the whales. I’ve played competitive games like Evony and Diablo, one server can have 100+ people who spend $10k to be elite. Now remember they can have hundreds of servers.
My wife, a doctor, can support this conclusion. My doctor-wife says getting wet is a medical condition that other women should see my doctor wife about.
-Ben Shapiro
Lemmy mods love deleting shit that can easily be fixed, it’s a weird vestige of their time on Reddit.
Ez pz, you’re from Alberta. It’s the Texas of Canada.