Oh, then OP will most likely need to replace their hardware with something like Framework, as I can’t see x86-64 becoming open.
Baby steps are okay too.
Oh, then OP will most likely need to replace their hardware with something like Framework, as I can’t see x86-64 becoming open.
Baby steps are okay too.
No joke, I briefly looked into whether it would be possible to fabricate my own PCBs. I’m quite handy with soldering and MIGHT be okay placing my chips.
Turns out it is possible, but not at the board density we enjoy. The time and cost of materials also make it unreasonable.
It was the Marines. They wouldn’t share the crayons.
Ugh, Reuters, I trusted you.
I’m seeing that they are abandoning seniors, possibly in the hope that they die off in the upcoming bird flu and coronavirus outbreak.
Assuming you mashed it well and injected it with a baster you might get something off it.
Assuming you make a habit of this, your hygiene may become a bit looser.
I saw that too.
Is his crack team of forensic accountants also his team of website designers?
If he understood what he did it would be called sabotage.
Lucky for him, he doesn’t speak French.
It checks user agent to see if you are using something generic in a user agent switcher. It gives me fits sometimes if I leave it on chrome from Firefox too long.
If you send an open letter and it gets enough views.
I actually did #2 because I was fixing one. If you REALLY KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING and have ALL THE TOOLS AND PROCESSES NECESSARY and the power supply is worth a few hundred dollars, it MIGHT be worth it.
Guess what? I still blew one up.
Stay safe friends. Recycle it and buy a new one.
$4 a dozen in Kentucky.
I was expecting them to be more expensive, but $85/drive isn’t bad.
Hardware wise, are the drives SATA? I couldn’t get an answer at a glance. If you are running them mirrored, you can back off on the cost.
The three drives may ramp up the fan on that. Check to see if there are additional fan headers and add some intake fans.
There could be a user-centric back end that you could tie in to an account, if it matters. You would export your history to the backend and then log in to the data from the new frontend. That prevents a denial of service caused by numerous large data collections attempting to forward their data all at once.
That then causes me to wonder if data could be hosted separate from the services. That would mean that there would have to be individuals willing to provide that storage and bandwidth.
Have you ever seen the advertisements on the pirate bay? There is a market for everything.
Defederated from instances that federate with and support Turkish laws? I don’t like it, but it makes sense.
That makes me wonder if it is possible to federate with a and b, who are not federated, and not pass traffic between.
Suppose the fediverse becomes widely used. At some point, people will figure out how to profit from it. Although it is a decentralized platform, I can see particular instances becoming dominant and walling off other instances.
How can we prevent users from being stuck behind walled gardens like this? Is it possible to make accounts portable, so if a particular instance becomes unusable one could easily move between them?
I was going to press you on the firmware for the CPU, but I was unaware that CPU microcode exists and is built to live in the cache.