Nuclear? In your city? You’re dead in a matter of days… maybe months at best.
Nuclear? In your city? You’re dead in a matter of days… maybe months at best.
Hey, I have no issues with that. After all, it’s mainly liberals/progressives/leftist that are anti-children.
This. At least that’s my understanding. When I lived in South Florida, one of my friends said she was going to try going braless for the summer, a few weeks later she complained that going braless made the under part of her breasts chaff / irritate. Heat, humidity, and skin friction is bad mmmmkay.
Joe Biden: ‘Poor Kids Are Just As Bright’ As White Kids At Event For Asian & Hispanic Voters
DEI is racist. Affirmative Action is racist.
Apparently, lmao, racism toward White people isn’t racism. - Literally… you can YouTube search this… you will find a sea of videos showing liberals from all walks of life in America making this stupid, ignant claim.
Double standards are bad, mmmmkay
Run along now.
After learning the effects of food dyes, I haven’t had jello in over a decade.
Does Jell-O use food dyes?
Yes, most Jell-O contains artificial colors, including red 40, yellow 5, and yellow 6, which are derived from petroleum and may have negative health effects. Some say that these dyes may promote cancer because they contain benzidine, a known carcinogen. Red 40 is also a common ingredient in candy, cereal, baked goods, gelatin powder, drugs, and cosmetics. Some say that side effects of red 40 include hyperactivity, behavioral changes, allergic reactions, hives, asthma, sneezing, watery eyes, skin irritation, and migraines.
Liberals are racist.
Why do I keep getting emails from Biden/Harris/DNC even though I reported their ads as phishing and ultimately blocked them? Yet two weeks since, I continue to receive their ads.
Not to mention… I never signed up for DNC or GOP crap. I don’t like either.
Immigrants? I didn’t even mentioned immigrants in my previous comment. wat.
Helluvalot sharper than Biden from what the world witnessed in that recent debate lol
Even his wife treats him like a fkin child, “ooooh muuuuh gaaawd, I am sooo proud of youuuuu!! You answered all the questions!!!”
Literally wears diapers, eh? At least the entire world isn’t accusing him of literally chitting his pants.
LMAO, seriously, I couldn’t give a fk less about Trump, I only like him because during his reign, the economy was popping, people were thriving, businesses were booming… chit was glorious especially for those of us trying to get ourselves into home ownership. If another Democrat runs this country for another 4 years, we’re ending up in WWIII and isolated from the rest of the world except the NATO alliance, if they don’t turn their backs on us too.
It’s not age. It’s competency. There’s 100 year olds that are more competent than Biden. I’m not calling Biden stupid. I’m saying like the rest of the fkin world has been saying for the past few years, Biden’s mind is degrading.
Wat. My sheer lack of understanding and critical thinking… Hillary is fkin corrupt. Just about every person that opposed Hillary and put her on blast ended up unalived, but your excuse will be, “it’s a coincidence”. Not to mention, Hillary’s a racist ass bitch. She put ethnic minorities under the umbrella term, “Super predators”. The Dems did some massive damage to ethnic minorities, destroyed innocent lives and families. At the aftermath of the crime bill, that should have been the moment they should have turned their backs on the Dems.
But I concede… I lack understanding and critical thinking haha.
So criticizing any politician, regardless of left or right… that makes me delusional? Okay.
There’s no… I mean damn at least use your delusion and call it a deep fake.
Son, if you honestly believe she does NOT have some sort of illness… you are sadly mistaken. But fine, time will tell just like with Biden.
And no I’m not frustrated… you and I are clearly living two different realities.
Anyway, hopefully you will find a way to unplug and escape. Or not, doesn’t matter to me either way.
Damn you’re pretty good… long ago I would self proclaim to be libertarian… but the libertarian party is full on fkin derpy, stopped caring about the Libertarian party a couple years after Ron Paul was on the debate stage owning the status quo. And not so much a Russian stooge… I just don’t have beef with Russia or Russians. Cold war is over.
As surprised as people using a, “cold” for Biden’s senile dementia on the debate stage. Everyone but Biden’s fans knew this old man was in decline and now Dems are acting surprised or lol… making excuses. You’re not the type to be surprised by Biden’s decline, you’re the type to use excuses foolishly.
fkin dead. Thanks man, I definitely enjoyed that taco.
I don’t deal in echo chambers. And I’m centered-right, not delusional.
Nope she wouldn’t. Or at the very best… barely.
No evidence, huh? lol… Yeah 7 years ago, didn’t happen.
This is fake propaganda. No wait, she just had a cold.
As long as you have a valid ID and registered voter… yep <3