No. It’s me. Steve
No. It’s me. Steve
Just remember none of us have free will.
Truly grocking that, makes anger at a person as sensible as anger at a wall.
It’s the same as all the PINK stuff that’s just black and white.
Or took a step, or breath, or blinked.
So frequency equals taxes?
It’s not like you’re using your personal social accounts for this stuff.
You’re not going to want your friends and family anywhere near it.
Only Fans want to know your public social accounts. The ones that are part of your “Brand”, that would drive your “Business”. That’s what matters.
If you’re worried about privacy on those accounts, you’re doing it all wrong.
They need all that to be able to give you your money.
It’s how you get paid.
I’m pretty close to a free speech absolutist. I don’t think I’ve ever disagreed so completely with TechDirt. This is not a TikTok ban. It’s a ByteDance ban. Corporations aren’t people. The government is fully within it’s rights to force a foreign state owned corp to sell or shutdown operations in the US.
Like you said this is another Corp vs Gov power play, and the public has largely been duped into supporting the Corpos again.
You need a colorimeter that has software support for each device.
I only use one on my PC, to be sure my edits are accurate. The rest of my devices are as they are.
Constructive Nihilism, or my own spin on it, has helped me.
Everything in the universe, including us, are nothing but subatomic billiards balls bouncing off one another. Free will isn’t even an illusion, but a delusion. Consciences may not even exist beyond a concept we use as a shortcut to describe ourselves.
If you can truly internalize and grock those ideas, getting angry at a person, makes as much sense as getting angry at ocean wave. In fact your feelings of anger are internally nothing more than a few billiard balls bouncing in your own brain.
It’s not perfect. I still get annoyed occasionally. But then I remember these facts, and suddenly the feelings of anger just go away as quickly as they arrived. They seem silly and trivial.
I’ve always been confused by people who insist on the All feed, then come here complaining “No, not like that!”
Until someone on your instance subscribes to a community on another instance, yours won’t have any info about it. So it won’t come up in search results.
You can run a search for a specific community if you know and enter it’s exact name and instance. You might have to do the search twice. Once to tell your instance to look for it. A second time to see if it found it.
The place to find those specific community names and instances, is here
By this logic, I’m wondering if beds are medically necessary.
It’s the open source version of Adobe Lightroom.
As an XRay tech, I have taken an image of a butt-plug (with flared base) that got lost up there.
I don’t know what was involved in getting out. But the docs did get it out before asking for another image 7 hours later.
If we’re not talking actual cognitive disability, like needing to live with some form of caretaker. Then that’s kinda fucked up.
This isn’t what you’re asking, but it is what you need to know right now.
If you’re having trouble with what DSLR, F-Stop, and ISO mean; You’re putting the cart before the horse. It won’t matter what camera you get, because you won’t know how to use it. The “right” camera for you at this point, will be the cheapest manually controlled digital camera you can get your hands on. Something used, that has an instruction/user manual for you can learn it’s specific controls. Then go online and find tutorials about how cameras work generally, and experiment yourself with your camera. Then if you can’t get the kinds of pictures you want, do more research about those specific kinds of pictures. After a while, you’ll know what your camera isn’t giving you, and be able to find which camera will.
You did want to. Just as I want to correct you.
Because we have no free will.
Our wants are the very things that aren’t free.
And I appreciate the implication that I’ve convinced someone to marry me. That’s generous of you.