Thanks for your insight. 👍
Thanks for your insight. 👍
Be aware the correction likely is not forever and might require further treatments every few years.
If I had that answer I would be happy to share.
It is too late for a while now. Try to be safe, even if that means moving.
Thank you for your answer and empathy.
Luckily I am already in good care in general and also medically treated (luckily it’s in Europe otherwise I’d be broke and dead).
So regular checkups are there already. However what I miss is the deeper investigation, which might even provide data to research.
Hey I’d really love to go into a short (although not necessarily immediate) exchange with you. I have MS diagnosed, recently died (not kidding) possibly due to PROMM and also yet another neurological skin disease and am wondering if my head should maybe be scanned differently now in this context.
Don’t forget Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)!
Even if I weren’t wfh nobody cares about some boobs in barvaria.
Okay, why is it NSFW… Ohh I see.
Or no I still don’t. You must be from those uptight overseas people 😏.
Of course. I would not recommend using it.
More like giving hints or a rough frame to work with.
I also posed the question why I don’t get a date in the output of course.
Well I have to defend it here, it explicitly stated
if you have a column named “created_at” or “date”
But yeah anyhow anyone should be able to figure the own solution out with this. Nonwithstanding that if you need gpt for this, you might not have a good time in general.
The reason the date is not in the output is because you didn’t include a date column in your SELECT statement.
If you want to include the date in the output, you’ll need to add a column that contains the date to your SELECT statement. For example, if you have a column named “created_at” or “date” in your mainWorkSpace table, you can add it to your SELECT statement like this:
SELECT task, status, id, created_at FROM mainWorkSpace WHERE user_id = @user_id
This will include the created_at column in the output of your query.
🤷 Gpt, first try. I don’t know what you asked.
Yeah and look at those shareholder values!!
Yeah that and it’s still super expensive and does not have system sellers for me. Eg. Uncharted.
Also I don’t need another PC, thank you.
Who could have expected the evildoers lying?? 😁
If I recall correctly (it’s been a while) it seems just fine and familiar (to DE I think) but when you start using it it’s just different enough to basically mess everything up and require you to validate everything.
(from an it admin perspective)
Started on US, now using DE for decades. But able to still use us. Slash position is a plus there.
But Swiss, that’s the stuff of nightmares! Oh and mac while usable unnecessarily sucks too imo.
From experience I can (sadly!) tell you the effort and money goes up the longer it runs, especially if you keep the maintenance low.