I never thought Timotheé Chalamet could be so based.
I never thought Timotheé Chalamet could be so based.
Do churches next you fucking cowards.
Genuinely curious: how can he? Does POTUS have control over the entire chain of command?
The generals will tell him no.
Correction: the DNC fucked Bernie over.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Javalina 🐗
I just looked it up, and it certainly does! This rock is in Jemez National Recreation Area, New Mexico. Thank you!
The service that ended with Trump settling out of court to a woman for raping her when she was 13. He also raped another minor, according to another court case.
And coyotes!
I lost all love for the 4th of July when the sun was going down and I saw a beautiful coyote across my fence like 5 feet from me. He locked eyes with me and looked so terrified, it took a little bit of my soul. He was panting so hard. He was even looking at me like he was pleading me to help him, but I couldn’t because he’s, well, a coyote. He stayed looking at me for almost 2 whole minutes before he went back into the brush.
I still think about that every 4th.
We fought a war so we didn’t have to hear your shit takes.
We don’t have to diminish their accomplishments, no; we choose to.
Not OP, but I would imagine they still do, because it’s a function of the brain in general, not in the brain knowing death is coming. It’s just that when they’re dying in a hospital, it’s more likely that the equipment and staff will be present to read these brainwaves and whatnot.
My girlfriend and I reasoned that this exact same conclusion, so it’s so weird and awesome seeing this in the wild!
We also thought of the quantum energy stored in the microtubules of the brain possibly holding onto consciousness itself. Thus, when they found that all of them release said quantum energy at the time of death, we felt pretty vindicated.
I think something like what you outlined above, and we came to the conclusion that people going where they believe in is the only real, logical, and evident thing that happens after we die. Otherwise, how could someone see Jesus, someone else see Ra, and someone else see nothing at all? I think that whatever we believe will happen to us after death is what will happen to us. Like you said, there’s a lot of power in the mind, including the power to bend time. Pick a belief, and I think it’ll serve you well.
At least in civil, the reason is because the professional engineer (PE) stamps all plans and assumes responsibility for said plans by doing so. Plans cannot be built without a stamp. This is the case because someone has to be found liable if a bridge should kill people, and it shouldn’t be the technicians, designers or EITs under the PE, because they don’t make nearly as much. With great pay comes great liability.
All engineers not just civil?
And then begins the real fun. The assassinations, the pipe bombings, etc. Americans won’t allow an invasion on Canada. Things will get incredibly ugly.