Newer LED lights often flicker.
Saved you a click.
Newer LED lights often flicker.
Saved you a click.
You’d be surprised how little math is involved in programming that doesn’t require it. A significant majority of programming is simply managing conditionals. For example: “when the door opens, turn on the light.”
Math comes into place when you need it, and hardly ever comes as a surprise. Additionally, solved problems are generally kept in libraries. For example, you don’t need to calculate a sum; simply tell it to calculate a sum for you, because this is a solved problem.
What you’re already running into is called “impostor’s syndrome.” You believe that you are not capable of something to some degree, even though reality says otherwise. You haven’t tried your hand at programming, so why worry now? You’re inventing problems for yourself before you even got a chance to start.
Just go for it and see what you think. If you don’t enjoy it, no biggie. If you do enjoy it, keep going. No obligations 👌
Like choosing to not buy a Lamborghini!
We would save a significant amount of money. And private insurance almost always doesn’t provide good healthcare. Imagine no copays or deductables.
How many Lemmy users does it take to change a lightbulb?
Exactly. Just be responsible and don’t do anything dumb with your security. Do the typical stuff right like using a password manager and updating your software often. With your programming, don’t skip ssl validation, don’t have unauthenticated connections that matter, don’t shell out, etc. On your local system, use permissions correctly, keep a local firewall, and all that good stuff. You should be fine, but it’s never 100%.
It’s not worth my time. Thanks for the conversation.
I only mentioned that you might find it interesting. Please take your emotions elsewhere.
You should probably get some outside opinions that aren’t on Lemmy. Lemmy seems to have a very specific crowd that tends to be an echo chamber for certain beliefs and opinions. There are better things to do with your vote than not vote at all.
Edit: The fact that this was down-voted is proof of Lemmy’s echo chamber tendencies, ha.
It shows where the US stands compared to other countries in a democracy index. But it sounds like you aren’t interested, so I’m sorry to have bothered you.
You might find this Wikipedia page interesting:
I have to vote Biden or American democracy will end
I made a graphic that describes what others have probably recommended:
If you vote for a candidate that you know will lose, then it practically makes the same impact as not voting at all.
democracy is just going to end sooner or later anyway
This is speculative, and a bad reason to not vote on purpose. The US has a flawed democracy, and it can get better. Voting won’t “fix” our government alone, but not voting is a guaranteed way to let others choose and vote for you.
I’m not sure what you’re alluding to. One party probably won’t win every election until the end of days, nor should it. However, votes are one way that we have a voice in government, and your government represents you less when your voice isn’t heard.
Same thing as every election: vote!
It’s due to shitty rendering of Markdown. You’re doing it right. File bugs where you see it rendered funny.
I made a graphic about why this is important
LCD monitors don’t flicker at their refresh rate. It simply updates the graphics on the panel per frame at an imperceptible speed. The backlight has nothing to do with the refresh, either.