Here’s an idea. Use a mikrotik router board. They are super cheap and support VPN natively. I use wireguard but it should also support openVPN as well. Maybe more I’m not sure. The small hap series are super cheap and works great.
Here’s an idea. Use a mikrotik router board. They are super cheap and support VPN natively. I use wireguard but it should also support openVPN as well. Maybe more I’m not sure. The small hap series are super cheap and works great.
Mikrotik all the way. But prepare yourself for a nice steep learning curve, but now that om past that i sware by it. Super fast and infinity configurable. The entire router configuration can be exported as a txt file and imported in seconds so if it breaks just get a new one and load up your config and you are good to go. Also the forums are a gold mine of information. What i love the most is just how fast it is. Setting take effect instantly. Also means it is extremely fast to lock yourself out of not careful. Again, steep learning curve but really good after that.
I used this for a project once and its great. Super powerful and has a great API for automation
In my naive mind the steam deck is a huge motivating factor for developers to go directly to native Linux games. In reality it’s probably given only little a consideration.
How long before the majority of game development is defaulting to Linux/Unix instead of windows? Getting native Linux games to run on windows is only becoming easier and easier with WSL? To me it seems like less of a hastle than trying to go the other way like we do today with proton and wine. Can someone enlighten me?
Probably something based on 1/6 th of a byte that originates form old IBM systems that used 6 bits per byte that was then later never changed into 8 bit systems so you now have to convert between 6 bit and 8 bit systems and then fractions, gotta get those good fractions. So they’d say something like my SSD is 170⅔ GB for a 128GB drive
Possible: yes
Recommend: absolutely not
My best advice is to NOT think of it as addons. If you want grafana or node red for example, just install them in seperate in a container not considering anything else about HA. Then just use them normally. You can still use the integrations for grafana and node red. Integrations work perfectly fine on HA in a Docker container.
Remember, very important: INTEGRATIONS ARE NOT ADDONS they are two very different things.
I can see that quickly becoming an issue if people just run random yaml files without understanding the underlying functions. I’m happy I never took that route because I leaned so much
Hmm I should maybe have added that I only ever touched docker cli tools and have never used a front end of any kind. I do know that they exists, but I like having my fingers in the mechanical room so to speak so it gave me a quite steep learning curve writing my own docker compose files from scratch and learning the syntax, environment variables and volumes working manually. I still to this day only use cli version of Docker because its the only thing I ever learned.
Came here to write exactly this. It’s a steep learning curve but well worthwhile. Although I’d specify and say: learn docker compose.
Edit: what I ment was learn docker cli tools (command line tools) and use Docker compose that way. It gives you a much better understanding of how Docker actually works behind the scene while still keeping it high level
Do you have anything more to back up the claims about haos breaking privacy other than sone DNS queries? Just because there is a DNS query doesn’t mean any actual data is being sent. I’m only asking because I’d be sad to hear if there are really issues. HA is fully open source so I’m surprised if this is really and issue.
I can also add that if you want to run multiple programs that each have a web interface it’s easy to direct each interface to the port you want instead of having to go through various config files that are different for each program or worst case having to change a hardcoded port in some software. With docker you have the same easy config options for each service you want to run. Same with storage paths. Various software stores their files at seemingly random places. With docker you just map a folder and all you files are stored there without any further configs.
Addons on HAOS are just Docker containers. When you use HA in Docker you have to just install the addons you like yourself as containers next to HA. It gives you more freedom to change settings for the “addons” when you install them yourself, but it is also a little more work. I think it is still worth it because you can also just install whatever you want. I run a minecraft server for example on the same server.
Lol… You are not even trying to argue your case. Why are you getting personal? No need to be like that.
Well sometimes it is… very much subjective… That’s why different countries have different laws. Each country have subjective views on what should be punished or not and how much punishment is right. If Ethics is always objective and like a maths equation that can be solved we should all just have the same laws because it’s objective.
I agree but yet here we are… And I don’t think just putting people in jail helps. But it should definitely have consequences, that’s for sure, but they must first be effective for what they are trying to solve.
What’s on my USB stick you ask… A bunch of random shit I haven’t touched for 8 years so I have no idea what it is and it’s probably outdated, but I’d be damned if that usb stick is not In my keychain because “I might need it one day”