I find the wait times have gone up as they prioritise both drive thru and delivery options ahead of people actually at the counter.
I find the wait times have gone up as they prioritise both drive thru and delivery options ahead of people actually at the counter.
I mostly agree with this but more than shorter code I value readability, I would rather take 3 lines to be clear to any developer than use some obscure or easy to misunderstand structure to write it in 1.
Whatever helps you sleep at night I suppose
“The Great Slump was an economic depression” the first paragraph on that Wikipedia page once you fix your link.
If we exclude mixed economies and state capitalist countries we are left with basically looking at historic record so let’s do that.
There were recessions in 15the century England, not a capitalist economy at all! There was also a recession in Rome in 33 AD as well if you want to look back further. This is just from 5 minutes of googling.
It is not possible to have an economy that never contracts, just to have one where it happens nowhere near as frequently as our current systems and with far better outcomes for most people.
Honestly I can’t think of a single European language where it is the case. German, Dutch, French, Spanish, Italian, Basque… none of them sound like airplane.
No, it’s because you can trace at least some of this specific problem directly back to British imperial rule in the middle east.