More often than not that is corporate speak for “we fired the old team and replaced them with cheaper workers. And we didn’t want to pay them to learn the old code/they tried but failed, so we are dumping features now”
More often than not that is corporate speak for “we fired the old team and replaced them with cheaper workers. And we didn’t want to pay them to learn the old code/they tried but failed, so we are dumping features now”
Eh, git is good but it is not like he invented source control. Before git there were subversion and before that CVS, along with a lot of others (mostly pay to use).
Git does some things really good and has become more or less the de-facto standard, it does other things not so good (like binary files). But it is not unique.
Good advice.
Also, work on your form and not to increase weights. So many are doing some weird sort of back swing exercise when doing curls for, example
Obviously Scarlet Monastery, everything is HR need tank and healer!
Does this “Security Theater” actually scare away a would-be terrorist?
I very much doubt it. Also it would be a lot easier to just bribe/threaten/blackmail an airport employee to “forget” to lock a gate or similar and get anything you want in that way.
But then it is the developers fault, never management
Yepp, and no one really listens to the others, just trying to remember what you did and make sure no one dumps more work on you.
What I meant was that if you are returning 404 for example when a user doesn’t exist. You can’t tell if the user doesn’t exist or someone changed the API to remove the endpoint.
But forcing HTTP codes without a moment to think it through seems to be the new fad.
The clown, but flipped with a success
field. If it is true then command succeeded, if it false something was wrong and there should be an error
field as well.
HTTP codes should be used for the actual transport, not shoe-horned to fit the data. I know not everyone will agree with this, but we don’t have to.
Rounded corners tho… <shudder>
Just a small gif (as png didn’t exist/widely supported) that had the rounded corner. Then if someone wanted to change the color or background you would have to redo all the images. Fun fun.
Recruiters can’t see the difference! (Ok, not all but a worrying high percentage)
Subscription based teeth?
now that IPv6 has been adopted globally.
Now that is a quality joke
I think a better, but still not perfect, way to define it would be “This person wants to do X, but can’t support him/her/itself doing it.”
Of course, if you are already rich it doesn’t matter and then it is a bad metric (one of the reasons it isn’t perfect.) However, I think it is a better way to define it. Someone writing a few books as a hobby and then stops are not a failed writer, but someone that wants to be a writer but just can’t support it is.
Basically I think the intent matters, but that is impossible to measure (and people lie about it). So being able to do it as a profession is an ok metric.
You can export the list of subscribed communities in 0.19.
If you do that every now and then a shutdown would still hurt. As all the communities hosted on it would be lost but at least you can import your subscription list on another server.
Different workflows.
GPG signatures are set by the sender to prove the message is originating from the sender and is unchanged. It’s signed with the private key and verified with the public key.
A bit of a nitpick, but important to keep in mind. The GPG signatures shows that someone that has access to the private key sent that message. If I somehow gets a hold of a copy of your key, I can send messages that seems to originate from you.
There are quite a lot of quirks with how browser (or rather rendering engines) interpret CSS, and in quite a few places the spec is ambiguous. So there is no “correct” way of implementing it.
But, this is either just them being lazy or bad mangement.
Have to be careful to not upset Big Wheel
I just started skipping the first 1-2 pages of all ads, they usually just talk about what a fantastic company they are, etc. Just noise that no one is interested in, not even the ones lying about it.
At the end after all the fluff there is usually a description of what you are supposed to know and do. And if there isn’t, well I am not wasting my time with them.
Also, describing salary range seems very different in different countries