Oh, didn’t know that. Thanks.
Oh, didn’t know that. Thanks.
It is important not to estrange the people, no matter how deluded they are. This is a product of the hegemonic order.
Hezbollah has political allies (including christians) which together amount(ed) to a majority.
And it’s not Hamas which holds elections, but rather the Palestinian authority, presided by the leader of Fatah (opponent of Hamas) who has been impeding elections since 2006 because his party is losing popularity.
Edit: I do not mean to offend anyone but I beg you (anyone reading this) please be more aware about what you write and say, especially if you haven’t looked into the issue in depth.
You can contribute monetarily, check https://join-lemmy.org
The existence of lemmy.world which you’re part of, proves that lemmy tolerates right-wing instances if you ask me.
Make use of the decentralized nature of lemmy, the devs won’t knock at your door for creating or posting on right-wing instances.
Where did you get your info from?
Mahmoud Abbas, president of Palestine and head of Fatah, was the one to suspend both legislative and presidential elections and not Hamas. In fact, the latter “strongly opposed the decision to call off elections” (npr.org).
Abbas’ party has been working closely with the Israeli authorities. His excuse was that “Israel refused to commit to allowing Palestinians to vote in Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem” (npr.org).
Some (quite convincingly) hypothesise that the suspension of the elections was aimed at preserving his presidency and salvage “his fractured Fatah party [which] was expected to suffer another embarrassing defeat to Hamas.” (apnews.com).
How can one expect the people to not fight if democracy can’t be exercised freely?
The admins are principled Marxists so they wouldn’t sell out or concede without a fight.