You can’t go home again because home has ceased to exist except in the mothballs of memory. -John Steinbeck
Only works for tar.gz. Remember there’s also tar.xz, tar.bz, tar.bz2 and half have their own extractor flag. FUN. It’s usually J.
Roblox is full of different kinds of games, right? Why don’t you find out the kinds of games he likes there and find recommendations based on that? It’s a start at least. I would imagine most of the Roblox games are clones of better games anyway.
Super cringe faith music. Like easy listening with lyrics all about Jesus.
Implying you couldn’t figure out by meeting them. I’m guessing just like people who listen to Christian music these people are loud and proud. Probably have SS tattoos on their neck. Unless it’s actually decent music and random listeners just got doxxed as Nazis.
I believe that those who are not being held in custody should have their rights guaranteed by the Constitution. If they’re such a danger then put them in jail for the crime. If there’s no crime then you shouldn’t take their rights. Voting rights which are denied in many states and gun rights which are currently denied by all. They should be restored when someone is no longer held in prison/parole.
Bro, it’s the fucking internet. It’s been intentionally toxic since the beginning. Trolls gonna troll.
Some people had different ideas about it but the vast majority that I saw were all about corruption in games journalism. Sure a lot of trolls got their start there too but it doesn’t mean that was the point.
Everything I said was true. Just because you think it’s wrong doesn’t mean it is. Maybe do a little research outside your bubble.
It’s what the vast majority of those who followed it cared about. And it’s about a decade late to have anything to do with this dude.
What the fuck does videogame journalist corruption have to do with Nancy fucking Polosi?
Game journos got real chummy with indie devs and everybody was fucking everybody. All objectivity was lost and it was full of corruption. Look up the gamejournopros group.
Turn of phrase.
Bears are far from bullet proof. In grizzly country just remember your .45-70.
Security of a free state.