If those skills don’t overlap, you’ll be half as good at each. Some jobs need a dedicated specialist.
In Memex crowd thinking environment for thoughts unthinkable to separate beings, human-machine general intelligence raises superintelligent offspring to help all life.
If those skills don’t overlap, you’ll be half as good at each. Some jobs need a dedicated specialist.
Application writing is a completely different skill from application writing.
Industrial electric arc furnace temperatures can reach 1,800 °C (3,300 °F)
Your comment in pictures:
Changes for the better in deserts: https://farmingdale-observer.com/2025/01/05/china-confirms-desert-solar-panels-permanently-alter-ecosystems-environmental-impact-revealed/
Not funding companies that destroy the planet and kill people is basic decency, not personal taste.
Several funds in my bank have ESG in the name.
Other terms in their fund names: fossil-free, climate, forest, sustainable agriculture.
Their claims about them:
in Finnish:
in Swedish:
For machine translation, probably better use Swedish as the source because it shares the Indo-European language family with many of you readers’ target languages, and has more speakers so maybe better translation engine training too.
The lowest fee ETHICAL index fund. Careless investing is how we got evil corporations.
Popular is irrelevant, you need to match your personality and skills with where you can thrive. Easy and familiar isn’t necessarily good.
Why not pay in shares?
Single-issue voters on the right, single-issue nonvoters on the left.
I recommend switching to camera native aspect ratio, usually 4:3. You can crop later.
The keyword is “flatbed”. Plenty around.
The keyword is “flatbed”. They are well available. Mine is a noisy Whirlpool MWF 421 BL with a glass floor and door, coarse pulse width modulation fractional power (overheat and cool down alternating), and a grill that doesn’t work at the same time with the microwave (heat first, then brown). I’m looking for a quieter one with inverter for real fractional power.
I drank it in Taiwan among other very low sugar juices that I prefer over plain water. It’s just one of many drinks made from ingredients we never thought of, like mushroom drinks and cereal grain drinks. The bean drink must have been forgettable enough that I can’t describe the taste after four years away.
FPTP voting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7tWHJfhiyo
If it’s so easy, why didn’t you link the answer?
Getting lots of matches is useless when you’re looking for a handful of great matches. For that you need a great matching mechanism with thousands of parameters - what OkCupid used to have before Match Group destroyed it.
And then you trampled your own human rights by privatising healthcare and legalising propaganda.