Jaimie Johnson who filmed the documentary Born Rich (and its sequel) pissed off enough of his family and peers that he was almost thrown out of high society for exposing its underbelly. He also lives a pretty normal life echewing his family fortune which is pretty dope. Might be along the lines of what you’re looking for. Good films either way.
ETA check out The One Percent as well, his follow-up from the first film.
Brian Thompson and his co-workers murder hundreds of thousands of people with systemic neglect, spreadsheets, and lawyers. They murder in broad daylight, during business hours. And yet they’re comfortable, well paid, successful people who will never see a day in jail. What they’re doing isn’t even considered a crime.
I hope he doesn’t get caught, also. Because the same laws that protect those fucking ghouls will crush him for bringing attention to the grift.