Nah you’ll just have a big tax bill you have to save for
Nah you’ll just have a big tax bill you have to save for
Yes it would. That’s why they’re having people fill out strike cards and waiting until they actually have that organization before they set a date
This will be too short notice and too expensive for many to attend. Generalstrikeus.com has the right idea
I think this one is too short noticed for most people
He was gunned down for a reason, I’m not sure what you’re talking about
A real life billionaire boot licker I see…
Not much but snark
I just can’t tolerate scrolling through an entire page of sponsored ads to maybe find what I’m looking for buried under the same SEO article on five different websites
This is pointless and will accomplish nothing
See we tried that too. Problem is the Taliban soaks up all the aid then uses the resources imbalance to reinforce their authority, which is then also blamed on the US.
Muslim women aren’t cattle
Can’t speak in public
Can’t be seen in public
Can’t drive
Can’t read
Can’t receive an education
Can’t divorce their husband owner.
This shows an inherent misunderstanding of why the repressive rules were created
The same reason Christians cook up asinine bullshit, because religious is deeply poisonous to a society. Fuck your reasons.
Davel is still deepthroating the Russian pp I see
Honestly yes but it’s reality. Republicans led states-I live in one-need to hurt. And they need to know it’s their own fucking fault.
Is “Balkanizing” a better term?
I realllllly hate the term “common sense” when applied to legislation
Wage theft
Everyone who is against abortion feels like they will be the exception
Note: your religious beliefs don’t qualify as a good reason to be anti-vax